We are a leading and fast growing integrated marketing solutions provider that focuses on the provision of (i) experiential marketing, (ii) digital and brand communication, and (iii) public relations services which mainly operates in Shanghai and Beijing with coverage in Greater China. According to the CIC Report, in 2018 we ranked first in the experiential marketing services for premium and luxury brands market in Greater China, and accounted for approximately 6.3% of the market share. We also focus on tapping into the sports and entertainment IP development sector. Since 2016, we have started our IP development business for sports market where we entered into IP Cooperation Agreements with each of LaLiga and ASO for granting us exclusive rights to organise authorised events with LaLiga Club brand and Le Tour de France brand and other rights for marketing, sponsorship, merchandising and other uses in the PRC, subject to the terms of the respective IP Cooperation Agreements. In 2017, we also established Stufish Asia with Stufish Productions to tap into entertainment IP development business.
体验营销 ACTIVATION EVENTS是推广市场活动的专家,为客户打造众多炫目难忘的市场活动,独树一帜。我们拥有丰富的经验和专业的队伍,向客户提供全面的营销解决方案,包括但不限于活动概念、活动策划及管理、活动场地搭建以及活动的监管和执行,专心为客户度身定制专属效果,提供广而深的专业服务,呈现令人叹为观止活动体验。服务包括:新店开幕、时装秀、展览与路演、晚宴、开幕仪式、派对及快闪店
数字营销&品牌推广 ACTIVATION DIGITAL提供全面的数字营销解决方案,包括为品牌提供创意传播策略制定、社交媒体平台运营、媒介采买、社交媒体种草及口碑维护、元宇宙营销、明星直播电商等服务。ACTIVATION PR 一直以来以优质的公关维护及活动服务享誉中国,通过全方位的公关服务,持续为客户带来高度配合的满意答卷。
秉承对自身的高要求,ACTIVATION DIGITAL & ACTIVATION PR持续缔造品牌与消费者之间精彩的对话。服务包括:营销策略、数字创意、明星直播电商、元宇宙营销、KOL投放、视频拍摄、媒体公关、媒体邀约及维护、明星沟通及管理
IP 拓展 ACTIVATION 拥有一支IP拓展及运营的专业团队。我们已与众多国内外体育行业佼佼者建立了战略合作关系,包括A.S.O.阿莫里体育、LaLiga西甲联盟、HURRICANE集团、久事体育。同时,我们充分借助积累的整合营销经验为众多IP品牌提供从创意到IP运营的全面服务。IP包括:西甲俱乐部、环法自行车赛、世界极限运动大会、上海设计周