相关案例 10 个



TMG was established in 2011 and provides full process services for event operation and management. Our service types include B-end and C-end events. Our service system includes industry conferences (product launches, industry summits, launch events, etc.), entertainment events (concerts, concerts, award ceremonies, etc.), exhibition displays (booth design, roadshows, flash stores), and other activities. Our service content includes early stage event strategies, visual design, content creativity Brand communication, event operation management, venue services (leasing&approval), on-site event construction, etc. To ensure the perfect presentation of the project, we rigorously review our work at every stage of project execution based on the needs of our clients, providing innovative concepts, cutting-edge visual design, reasonable execution planning, and strict cost control to help clients present every event.

We are centered in Beijing and in order to better serve our customers, we have gradually expanded into multiple branches such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hainan, etc., radiating across North, Central, and South China to control the overall service and execution capabilities.


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  • 英文名称:
  • 证券名称:
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  • 股票公开转让场所:
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  • 所在行业:
  • 产品与服务:
  • 控股股东:
  • 实际控制人:
  • 商业模式:

