专注服务互联网及互联网媒体,以北京为中心,与上海、广州、深圳、杭州等多地协作创新,秉承创新、 高效的企业理念,提供整合营销、市场营销、数字营销、公关传播、品牌快展业务的创意全案策划及运营管理一体化服务。我们由一群有活力、有创意、有实力的综合团队,以能力与结果成为客户值得信赖的伙伴。
Focusing on serving the Internet and Internet media, focusing on Beijing, collaborating with Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other places to innovate, adhering to the enterprise philosophy of innovation and efficiency, providing integrated marketing, marketing, digital marketing, public relations communication, brand fast show business creative whole case planning and operation management integrated services. We are a group of dynamic, creative and powerful comprehensive team, with the ability and results to become a trusted partner of customers.
Focusing on serving the Internet and Internet media, focusing on Beijing, collaborating with Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other places to innovate, adhering to the enterprise philosophy of innovation and efficiency, providing integrated marketing, marketing, digital marketing, public relations communication, brand fast show business creative whole case planning and operation management integrated services. We are a group of dynamic, creative and powerful comprehensive team, with the ability and results to become a trusted partner of customers.
2021/2022/2024 新浪·微博超级红人节
2024 烟台海派国际美食嘉年华
2023 网易悦动up beat 领克赛道嘉年华
2022 不定义自发光 凡尔赛C5X领潮共创之夜
2023 喜力星电音 “云村十年来电”音乐节
2023 春季WAVE SUMMIT +深度学习开发者大会
2023 秋季WAVE SUMMIT+ 深度学习开发者大会
2023 Hey!你好!未来可期2023微博迎新之夜
2020-2024 网易未来大会