项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 服装及鞋履

项目日期: 2024-06-06 10:00 2024-06-06 22:00

项目地点: 上海 世博创意秀场

项目名称: A BATHING APE®中国首场大秀



上海 世博创意秀场

2024年6月6日晚,国际殿堂级街头时装品牌A BATHING APE®中国首场大秀在上海隆重启幕,主线品牌BAPE®领衔旗下五大支线AAPE、BAPE BLACK®、BAPY®、APEE和MR. BATHING APE®正式发布2024秋冬男女装系列。继2023年先后在纽约及发源地东京举办时装秀后,BAPE®将品牌中国首秀选址富有现代活力氛围的世博创意秀场,ACTIVATION EVENTS & ACTIVATION PR团队助力呈现先锋街头文化与璀璨东方艺术相遇的时尚世界。

On the exquisite evening of June 6, 2024, globally renowned streetwear icon A BATHING APE® debuted its first runway showcase in China, gracing Shanghai with a spectacular introduction of the 2024 Fall/Winter collection. Highlighting its distinguished sub-brands: AAPE, BAPE BLACK®, BAPY®, APEE, and MR. BATHING APE®, ACTIVATION EVENTS & ACTIVATION PR team helped present this momentous event at the Shanghai Expo-I Pavilion. This marked the brand's third historic show, where avant-garde street culture harmonized with magnificent Eastern artistry.

为庆祝这一非凡时刻,许魏洲、宋妍霏、李斯丹妮、GALI、李汶翰、董又霖、娄峻硕、何超欣、利路修、李晨NIC等特邀娱乐圈明星闪耀亮相;时装设计师MLMA、时尚博主FIL小白、DIPSY迪西、李怡霖等齐聚秀场 。JAMES李铢衔、AYLA沈月、孙晨竣、PENIEL申东根四位明星嘉宾担任走秀模特,演绎最新秋冬系列作品。BAPE®集团主席沈嘉伟先生携妻子邱淑贞女士,与特邀嘉宾马来西亚公主HRH PRINCESS ZATASHAH OF SELANGOR, MALAYSIA、王子PRINCE ALEXANDRE和JOSEPHINE刘秀桦莅临现场,与来自世界各地的400位媒体代表与创意人士汇聚一堂,共度时尚与创意交融的震撼之夜。

To commemorate this extraordinary occasion, luminaries such as Timmy Xu, Yanfei Song, Sdanny Lee, GALI, HVEN Lee, Jeffrey Tung, SHOU, Alice Ho, Lelush, Nic Li, HRH Princess Zatashah of Selangor, Malaysia, Prince Alexandre and Josephine, among others, graced the event as esteemed guests. Joining them were 40 local fashion influencers including MLMA, Fil Xiaobai, Dipsy Yang, Yilin Li, Mr. Kira, and Cristine Sun, who gathered for the showcase. Renowned personalities like James Lee, Ayla Sham Yuet, Chenjun Sun, and Peniel Shin took to the runway as models, embodying the essence of the latest Fall/Winter 2024 creations. BAPE® Group Chairman Sham Kar Wai and his spouse Chingmy Yau Shuk Ching, along with 400 media representatives and creatives from across the globe convened for an evening celebrating the convergence of creativity and fashion in a truly spectacular manner.



Within the inclusive layout of the Siheyuan structure symbolizing unity, mythical creatures like Azure Dragon and White Tiger, traditional elements such as elegant gardens and palaces, and national motifs like ink wash painting and blue-and-white porcelain seamlessly intertwined with brand-defining camo patterns, ape heads, shark motifs, and other visual narratives. Through LED, a seamless audio-visual spectacle was presented, showcasing a harmonious world where classical meets contemporary, nature converges with technology. Each piece transcended mere fashion to become an artistic manifestation of avant-garde street style engaging in a dialogue with ancient Chinese heritage.

BAPE® Fall/Winter 2024 Men's and Women's Collection

BAPE® 2024秋冬系列匠心独运的将「中华龙」的元素提炼至视觉焦点,巧妙与猿人迷彩、经典格纹等图案相融合,将富有东方色彩的街头设计语言浓缩于40套男装与女装秀服之中。

The BAPE® Fall/Winter 2024 collection artfully integrates elements inspired by the "Chinese dragon" into patterns such as signature camo and classic checkerboard prints. Condensing the rich design language of Eastern inspiration into 40 sets of men's and women's runway ensembles, this collection balances tradition and modernity, roughness and delicacy.

AAPE Fall/Winter 2024 Men's and Women's Collection

探索年轻潮流的无限可能,AAPE 2024秋冬系列以冰球文化为灵感衍生出「AAPE ICE HOCKEY」主题作品,挖掘冰球运动时尚的独特街头魅力。

Exploring the boundless creativity of the younger generation, the AAPE Fall/Winter 2024 collection derives its theme "AAPE ICE HOCKEY" from ice hockey culture.

BAPE BLACK® Fall/Winter 2024 Collection

奉行桀骜不羁的反叛态度,奢华高端支线BAPE BLACK®继续探索高级时装和珠宝配饰的灵感新章。在上海秋冬秀场上,佩戴玛瑙石银戒、天然珍珠项链的模特携带中式木匣、鼻烟壶挂饰出场,LED巨幕将黑龙、猛虎与盆景等透过中国水墨画的灵动笔触,将充满东方诗意的低调奢华氛围渲染开来。

Embracing a rebellious spirit, the luxurious high-end line BAPE BLACK® continues to push boundaries in high fashion and jewelry design. Models at the Shanghai Fall/Winter 2024 runway show sport agate silver rings and natural pearl necklaces while carrying Chinese wooden boxes and snuff bottles as accessories. The LED screens render images of Amur tigers and bonsai trees through dynamic brushstrokes reminiscent of Chinese ink paintings, creating a subtly luxurious atmosphere steeped in Oriental poeticism.

APEE Fall/Winter 2024 Collection


The APEE autumn/winter women's line epitomizes the essence of "Soft Rock Aesthetics," showcasing the carefree spirit of rebellious women in a palette of soft pinks and earthy tones.

BAPY® Fall/Winter 2024 Collection


BAPY® unveils the ethereal realm of the "GENTLEWOMAN" club, drawing inspiration from the elegance of the "Plum Blossom, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum" in Chinese culture. This collection transforms the sophistication of literati into the profound essence of this season's pieces.


Fall/Winter 2024 Collection

颂扬现代绅士对于卓越品质与非凡工艺的真诚鉴赏,MR. BATHING APE® 2024秋冬男装系列融合复古运动装、都市制服、永恒经典的户外装备以及丹宁工装的混搭风尚,展现多元独到的着装礼仪。穿着新季衣着的模特踏入翰墨青花的缥缈世界,仿佛游走于贯穿现实与过去的交汇之地。

Celebrating the discerning taste of modern gentlemen for exceptional quality and craftsmanship, the MR. BATHING APE® Fall/Winter 2024 collection seamlessly blends retro sportswear, urban essentials, timeless outdoor attire, and denim workwear into a distinctive sartorial statement. Models adorned in these ensembles traverse an ethereal world of blue and white, embodying a fusion of reality and nostalgia.




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