
项目品牌: ASTON MARTIN 阿斯顿马丁

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-11-20 09:00 2019-11-20 17:00

项目地点: 北京 日坛

项目名称: 阿斯顿·马丁DBX车型全新亮相系列活动



北京 日坛




做为拥有豪华跑车制造106年悠久历史的阿斯顿•马丁(Aston Martin),近日在英国驻华大使官邸推出了它的首款SUV。这是詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)最爱的英国品牌第一次在欧洲以外的地区举办全球首发,并选择中国这个全球增长最快的豪华SUV车消费市场,推出全新DBX 车型。

After 106 years of making luxury sports cars, Aston Martin launched its first ever SUV in and around the grounds of the British Ambassador’s Residence in Beijing. It was the first time the British brand, synonymous with James Bond, had held a worldpremiere outside of Europe and chose China to launch the DBX - the fastest growing luxury SUV market in the world.

在发布会前几周,杰克•莫顿(Jack Morton)为上海和北京的潜在车主举办了私密鉴赏会,让尊贵的客人在全球首发前一睹全新DBX风采。

Jack Morton held behind-closed-doors Confidential Previews for potential customers in Shanghai and Beijing in the weeks prior to the launch, and then a noon media launch followed by VIP launch in the evening.

首发日当天,客人们首先进入了充满阿斯顿•马丁(Aston Martin)品牌元素的官邸,并通过一个神秘的激光隧道,进入发布区域的舞台,那里正上演着一场诠释“出界,入格”("Beautiful is restless")的表演秀。在这场美轮美奂的现场表演中,阿斯顿•马丁(Aston Martin)全新DBX正式亮相。首席执行官安迪·帕尔默(Andy Palmer)博士在台上宣布:“这一刻对这个伟大的英国品牌来说是一个真正的里程碑,我保证DBX会让所有体验它的车主感受到非凡的意义。”

To bring the DBX to life, guests were taken through the Residence, packed full of Aston Martin brand heritage, and into a disorientating time tunnel where they then emerged at the stage hidden away in the gardens. A live dance performance interpreting ‘Beautiful is Restless’ officially launched the car with CEO Andy Palmer on the stage announcing: “This is a real landmark for this great British brand and I promise that DBX will reward all who experience it in their everyday lives.”



原文链接为: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/il9aXcfNiAFFHx7vsrcWHw

部分信息来自  jackmorton 微信公众号内容

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