【GDX】环球影业 《原子金发女郎》 街头小队

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 娱乐及文化

项目日期: 2020-07-07 09:00 2020-07-07 17:00

项目地点: 线下

项目名称: 【GDX】环球影业 《原子金发女郎》 街头小队

Atomic Blonde – Street Teams


The Challenge  挑战

To promote the action packed thriller, “Atomic Blonde”, Universal wanted to create an army of Charlize Theron look-alikes at San Diego Comic-Con.
为了推广惊险刺激的惊悚片《极寒之地》(注:由美国焦点电影公司出品的动作惊悚片,由大卫・雷奇执导,2017年上映),环球影业希望在圣地亚哥动漫展上组建一支模仿影片中由查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)率领的部队。

The Solution  解决方案

30 costumed ladies took to the streets in high-traffic locations in Miami, Los Angeles and San Diego. Dressed in full Atomic Blonde apparel, they passed out branded cassette tapes with the movie’s soundtrack. 
30名穿着盛装的女士在迈阿密,洛杉矶和圣地亚哥的人流频繁的地方上街。他们穿着完整的Atomic Blonde服装,并在电影的配乐中放出了电影原声录音带。

In San Diego, lucky fans were invited to a VIP screening of the film. This activation was called out by BizBash as being one of the top activations at Comic-Con! 

The street teams were popular with fans everywhere, even Charlize Theron posted a selfie with the ladies on her personal Instagram.
街头小队在世界各地的粉丝中都很受欢迎,甚至查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)也在她个人的Instagram上发布了与女郎们的自拍照。


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