
项目品牌: BREITLING 百年灵

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2018-06-26 10:00 2018-06-26 22:00

项目地点: 北京 王府中環

项目名称: 百年灵首家亚洲旗舰店开幕仪式




6 月 26 日,瑞士独立制表品牌百年灵首家亚洲旗舰店于北京王府中环盛大开幕。百年灵首席执行官乔治•科恩先生,著名演员雷佳音,著名演员、歌手韩雪以及百年灵喷气机队队长雅克•波特林先生共同为这个久负盛名的品牌揭开全新篇章。

On June 26, Swiss luxury watchmaker Breitling celebrated the grand opening of its first flagship boutique in Asia in WF Central, Beijing. Breitling CEO Georges Kern was on hand for the ceremony along with Jacques Bothelin, Captain of the Breitling Jet Squad, and renowned Chinese actors Lei Jiayin and Han Xue.

直至今天,百年灵在飞行员心中仍然占据着特殊地位。开幕现场,一架 1:1 原比例打造的 L-39C 信天翁喷气教练机模型与王府中环的蛇形美术馆北京展厅相映成趣,让现场来宾得以近距离感受百年灵所引以为傲的航空传承。

Today, Breitling retains a special place in the hearts of pilots. On the event’s grand opening day, a full-sized replica of an L-39C Albatros jet was on display at the location. The eye-catching jet, set against the backdrop of the Serpentine Pavilion Beijing, left guests with an enduring impression of brand’s aviation heritage.

作为品牌挚友的著名演员雷佳音佩戴百年灵今年全新推出的航空计时 8 B01 计时腕表 43 与大家分享了他与百年灵的惺惺相惜:“腕表是男人最好的伙伴,不管是对专业的态度,对精准的苛求,还是悠久的历史传承,百年灵满足了我对一块腕表的所有想象。”

The event was attended by actor and friend of the brand Lei Jiayin, who wore the new Navitimer 8 B01 Chronograph 43 as he enthused about Breitling: “A wristwatch is a man’s best friend and should reflect a professional attitude, dedication to precision, and a rich heritage, all of which I find with Breitling.”

著名演员韩雪也一同优雅亮相,腕间的百年灵航空计时1自动机械腕表 38 更突显了她外柔内刚的气质。随后,两位明星好友与在场百余位嘉宾们一起参观了亚洲旗舰店。

Actress Han Xue wore a Breitling Navitimer 8 Automatic 41 that perfectly balanced her elegance and her chic, sporty style. The two good friends were among the more than 100 guests in attendance on the boutique tour.


Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling said, “Launching our new boutique style in the city underscores the importance of the markets in Asia and particularly in China for our brand. We’re delighted that our Chinese friends will get to know our products and our heritage in this urban Breitling environment.”

APAX 有幸见证这一里程碑时刻,并祝愿百年灵取得巨大成功。

APAX is delighted to witness this milestone and wishes Breitling a great success.




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