宝格丽Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列Showroom

项目品牌: BVLGARI 宝格丽

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2021-09-09 09:00 2021-09-16 18:00

项目地点: 上海 久事国际艺术中心

项目名称: 宝格丽Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列Showroom

在2021年9月16日当天,意大利珠宝世家 BVLGARI 宝格丽将充满传奇色彩的 Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列带到上海,于外滩一号久事国际艺术中心展出超过350件华美的高级珠宝与腕表作品。坐落于姿态万千的上海外滩建筑群当中,外滩一号集中展示了上海城市发展的缩影,鲜明的欧式风格与罗马的韵味不谋而合。展览现场打造 GEMS 、MUSE、MAESTRIA 以及大复杂腕表为主题的四大展厅,Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝和腕表系列的璀璨臻品汇聚于此,诉说着宝格丽的传奇故事与瑰丽风格。

On September 16 2021, Roman Jeweller BVLGARI brought the legendary Magnifica High Jewellery Collection to Shanghai Jiushi International Arts Centre at Bund One, placing more than 350 fascinating high jewellery pieces and watches under the spotlight. Located among the sophisticated architecture of the Bund, Bund One combines a distinct European style with a Roman ethos, epitomizing the aura of Shanghai. The GEMS, MUSE, MAESTRIA and Grande Complication exhibition zones at the venue featured the Magnifica High Jewellery and High-end Watch Collection, communicating the legendary and exceptional style of the Maison.

宝格丽 Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝展 BVLGARI Magnifica High Jewellery

意大利珠宝世家 BVLGARI 宝格丽选址在新昌风景秀丽的 Chedi Hotel 以奢华旖旎的晚宴(9月10日),与宝格丽 Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列 Showroom(9月10日 - 9月12日)盛情招待了品牌的贵宾。Chedi Hotel 以优雅、现代的环境呼应当地的文化和历史,最大限度地提高了客人对沉浸在静谧而迷人的汉飞河谷中的度假村的体验。

The Italian jewellery company BVLGARI chose a location at the scenic Chedi Hotel in Xinchang for a luxurious dinner (September 10). In the hotel, BVLGARI’s Magnifica Jewellery Collection Showroom (September 10-September 12) was displayed to honored loyal brand representatives. Chedi Hotel echoes the local culture and history with an elegant and modern environment, maximizing the guests' experience of being immersed in the quiet and charming Hanfei River Valley.

GEMS ,绮丽宝石耀目盛放

GEMS, the Dazzling Stones

宝格丽的艺术大师孜孜不倦地从世界各地寻觅品质卓越的珍稀宝石,每一颗都蕴含无法复刻的独特风采。在GEMS展厅,宝格丽呈现了华美璀璨的宝石主题,苍翠神秘的祖母绿、热烈纯粹的红宝石、静谧深邃的蓝宝石、明艳绚烂的尖晶石、通透闪耀的帕拉伊巴碧玺……大自然孕育的宝藏在大师手中淬炼出无与伦比的珠宝佳作,成为铸就 Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列的灵魂所在。

BVLGARI’s master craftsmen have been in search of unique precious gems of exceptional quality from around the world. At the GEMS room, BVLGARI illustrated the theme of magnificence and beauty with the mystical emerald, passionate ruby, the peaceful sapphire, the gorgeous spinel, the sparkling Paraiba tourmaline, and many others. These treasures of nature transform into wonderful jewels in the hands of master craftsmen, revealing the soul of the Magnifica High Jewellery Collection.

GEMS 展厅 GEMS Exhibition Hall

MUSE ,丰沛灵感幻化艺术作品

MUSE, Inspiration of Artworks

自1884年品牌诞生之日起,宝格丽就与罗马结下了不解之缘。全新 Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列从永恒之城罗马汲取设计灵感,尽情展现宝格丽大胆无畏的艺术风格和极具创意的设计巧思。在 MUSE 展厅中,汇聚了以纯粹之美与灵魂之光为灵感缪斯而打造的高级珠宝作品,从罗马雄浑壮观的建筑艺术,到蜿蜒缠绕的灵蛇,再到缪斯女神的无穷魅力,设计师们用无尽创想将丰沛灵感意蕴注入珠宝作品中,打造出动人心魄的传世之作。

Since its founding in 1884, BVLGARI has forged an unbreakable bond with Rome. The new Magnifica High Jewellery Collection draws its inspiration from the Eternal City, showing off the brand's bold artistic style and creative design strength. At the MUSE, brilliant high jewellery creations inspired by pure beauty and charisma celebrate distinctive beauty. From spectacular Roman architecture to sinuous snakes and the everlasting charm of muses, BVLGARI designers inject creative ideas and abundant inspiration into every brand creation, giving birth to numerous captivating and legendary treasures.

MUSE 展厅 MUSE Exhibition Hall

MAESTRIA ,传承技艺独具匠心

MAESTRIA, Inherited Skills and

Extraordinary Craftsmanship

Magnifica 绮珍意宝高级珠宝系列凝结了宝格丽品牌传承137年的精湛技艺,以充满未来的视野诠释经典设计艺术。在 MAESTRIA 这座汇聚华美高级珠宝作品的展厅背后,隐藏的是宝格丽的匠心传承与非凡技艺。当名贵刺绣与华美珠宝惊艳邂逅,碰撞出风格独具的璀璨火花。当坚硬的金属与宝石化身成为轻柔植物和绝美化作,交融荟萃迸发出夺目的光芒。宝格丽的工艺大师所创造的高级珠宝作品将意大利传统工艺与革新珠宝技艺融为一体,催生出华美瑰丽的艺术作品。

Capturing BVLGARI's 137-year know-how, the Magnifica High Jewellery Collection interprets classic design with a futuristic vision. At the MAESTRIA, magnificent high jewellery creations confirm BVLGARI’s heritage and extraordinary skill. When precious embroidery meets magnificent jewellery, the result is a unique style of brilliance. Hard metals and gems are transformed into gentle plants and stunning creations, dazzling in a perfect fusion. BVLGARI's expert craftsmen combine the traditional Italian approach to jewellery and innovative techniques to create magnificent high jewellery art.

MAESTRIA 展厅 MAESTRIA Exhibition Hall


Grande Complication: The Timepiece of Art


The inspiration of time finds expression in the art of the timepiece. BVLGARI presents Swiss watchmaking expertise and bold Italian design in the Grande Complicationgallery. Rooted in Roman culture, the eternal source of inspiration for BVLGARI, the jeweller's high-end watches integrate Swiss watchmaking expertise to define the art of the timepiece with ever-enchanting elements.

大复杂腕表展厅 Grande Complication Exhibition Hall




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