DIOR “3D打印”快闪店(迪拜)
DIOR “3D打印”快闪店(迪拜)
迪拜 朱美拉海滩 Jumeirah Dubai
"这些创新空间是用天然材料制成的 - 结合粘土,沙子和原始纤维 - 使用由WASP*设计的特殊3D打印系统,该系统首次像数字裁缝一样,以前所未有的比例设计了可居住的结构。”
“These innovative spaces were crafted from natural materials – combining clay, sand and raw fibers – using an exceptional 3D printing system designed by WASP* which for the first time, like a digital tailor, has designed a habitable structure in proportions never seen before.”
--Luca Albero (Creative Visual Merchandising Director at Christian Dior Couture)
图片来自Mohamed Somji 转发自WASP