Discovery 探索极限主题公园一周年庆典
2019Discovery 探索极限主题公园一周年庆典
大家好,我是Discovery探索极限主题公园大中华区主席,APAX Group 创始人兼CEO,Terence Chu。
作为由APAX Recreation引入与孵化管理的国际一流IP,Discovery探索极限主题公园自开业至今,不断成为文旅行业的焦点和户外领域的标杆,吸引了世界的目光。APAX Recreation成功将全新的内容和体验植入传统旅游目的地,真正带动全域旅游的发展,将IP与文旅产业深度融合,开创当代文旅产业新格局。
为了庆祝Discovery 探索极限主题公园全球发布会一周年,在4月19日起为期一个月的狂欢中,我们Discovery极限探索主题公园莫干山园区将重磅推出限时特惠及定制活动,以回馈长期支持我们的户外运动爱好者和各位企业、学校客户。
感 谢
在未来,APAX Recreation将继续整合全球优质资源,以大中华地区为核心开发区域打造更多结合当地特色的主题公园,赋予生态旅游、科普教育、户外运动三大元素全新内涵,并逐步将这个成功的模式复制至全世界,以创新定义未来户外趋势,让世界各地的户外爱好者并肩走过”From Zero to Hero”英雄历练之路。
APAX Group 创始人兼CEO,Terence Chu
· 2015年 ·
赞那度 2015最独特旅行地
· 2016年 ·
华丽集2016 InnoBrand
· 2017年 ·
2017 That’s Shanghai年度最佳生态旅游目的地
2017年度City Weekend最佳旅游目的地
· 2018年 ·
主题公园行业星空奖 - “最佳IP主题公园”
亚太- “商界奥斯卡”史蒂夫大奖
国际- “商界奥斯卡”史蒂夫大奖
Dear Explorers & Supporters,
Hello, I’m Terence Chu, Chairman of Discovery Adventures Park in Greater China, Founder & CEO of APAX Group.
April 19 2019 marks the first anniversary of Discovery Adventures Park. Reviewing the founding and investing history of Discovery Adventures Park in this special day from 0-100,we really appreciate everyone's support and our colleagues‘ effort, which help us started from scrach in Deqing Moganshan then to the world.
As a First-class International IP successfully incubated by APAX Recreation, Discovery Adventures Park has become to the focus of culture tourism industry and a benchmark in the outdoor area. APAX Recreation successfully integrates new content and experience into traditional tourism destinations, truly driving the development of global tourism, deeply integrating IP and cultural tourism industry and creating a new pattern of contemporary cultural tourism industry.
We are pleased to see that our achievements have been recognized by the market in the past year. We have served nearly 1,000 fortune 500 enterprises including Tencent, Netease, LVHM, Porsche, Coca-Cola and VANKE, as well as well-known international schools and business schools, meanwhile, we attracted a large number of families and tourists. High quality and the constantly improving experience have gained the our customers' satisfaction, which continuously ensure the tourist amount.
At the same time, we have also won a number of domestic and overseas Awards including the "business Oscar"the International Stevies, which redefine the concept of outdoor theme park, deeply encourage more and more explorers to take part in our journey of “Where Nature Awaits,Where The True You Awakes“.
We will bring you more distinctive Discovery Adventures Park, including the projects selected in Sichuan, Guangxi, Beijing, Shandong, Hainan and other venues, which will bring you the extreme exploration experience of different scenes such as the plateau, snow mountain, cave, the Great Wall, heterogenic peaks and rocks, tropical rainforest and so on. At the same time, we will continue to improve the product system and service experience of Discovery Adventures Park in an all-round way.
The 1st Anniversary Appreciation
In celebration of Discovery Adventures Park’s 1st Anniversary, we will be showcasing our appreciation to outdoor sports lovers, corporate and school clients your support with special offers and events.
Meanwhile, to increase the fun of outdoor sports and bring more options to the park, we are introducing our brand new Discovery Adventures Promotion Systems, for your unique outdoor sports experience at the park.
Please stay tuned for more details.
Thank You
Last but not least, we would like to thank you again for your continous support to Discovery Adventures Park. We sincerely appreciate your suggestions as our motivation to improve. We will continue to upgrade and perfect our products for better Location Based Entertainment experience.
As for the future, APAX Recreation will continue to integrate global resourses in order to create additional Discovery Adventures Parks with local characteristics combining elements of Science Education, Eco-tourism and Outdoor Sports, to replicate its successful business model around the world. Through the Discovery Adventures Park business Model, APAX Recreation will strive to define the future outdoor trends with innovation and help outdoor enthusiasts everywhere go “From Zero to Hero”.
Sincerely yours.
Terence Chu
Chairman of Discovery Adventures Park
APAX Group Founder & CEO
Highlight Moments
· YEAR 2015 ·
Zanadu Special Recommended Destination 2015
Anticipated Outdoor Destination 2015
· YEAR 2016 ·
SMART the best vacation products Award 2016
InnoBrand Innovation Brand Competition
National Finals Champion&Best Public Service
Innovation Business Model Award 2016
Travelzoo Annul Top 20
· YEAR 2017 ·
That's 2017 National Hospitality Awards
City Weekend 2017 Awards
· YEAR 2018 ·
“Discovery Comes to Life”
Global Launch Event of Discovery Adventures Park
The Star Awards-“Best IP Park“
2018 Asia-pacific Stevie Awards
Innovation Consumer Product &Service Industries
Gold Winner
2018 International Business Stevie Awards
Innovation of the Year
Consumer Services Industries
Gold Winner
部分信息来自 APAX 微信公众号内容