安永企业家奖中国2019 颁奖晚宴
项目品牌: 待定
项目行业: 金融证券银行
项目日期: 2019-10-31 17:00 2019-10-31 22:00
项目地点: 北京 国贸大酒店
项目名称: 安永企业家奖中国2019 颁奖晚宴
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2019 China
安永企业家奖中国2019 颁奖晚宴
北京 国贸大酒店
项目预热 - 微博
国贸大酒店 安永企业家奖2019中国颁奖晚宴已于10月31日晚在北京国贸大酒店成功地落下帷幕,500多位贵宾出席宴会。当晚,安永颁发12个安永企业家2019中国行业奖项及安永企业家奖2019中国大奖。
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2019 China (EOY 2019 China) awards gala came to a successful conclusion on 31 October held at China World Summit Wing Hotel in Beijing, with more than 500 attendees. Twelve award winners of the EOY 2019 China were honored at that gala-night. The EOY 2019 China – Winner of Mainland China and Winner of Hong Kong/Macau, were also announced.
At the awards gala, awards were presented to winners from various industry categories. These entrepreneurs bring benefits to the Chinese economy by creating employment opportunities and enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.
The EOY China 2019 country winners will go on to represent China at the World Entrepreneur of the Year (WEOY), in June 2020, in which they will compete for another prestigious title of WEOY. WEOY provides a solid platform for selected elites to network, strategize and plan their next projects.
Created in the United States in 1986, the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year awards program is one of the world’s most prestigious business accolades for entrepreneurs as it honors entrepreneurs who inspire others with their outstanding vision, leadership, and achievement.
安永会计师事务所(英语:Ernst & Young)是一间总部位于英国伦敦的跨国性专业服务公司。
Ernst & Young (EY) is one of the largest professional services firms in the world, headquartered in London.
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