法拉利F8 TRIBUTO韩国首秀

项目品牌: Ferrari 法拉利

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-07-18 09:00 2019-07-18 17:00

项目地点: 韩国 首尔

项目名称: 法拉利F8 TRIBUTO韩国首秀

法拉利F8 TRIBUTO韩国首秀


韩国  首尔


7 月18 日,传奇意大利超跑品牌法拉利最新车型F8 TRIBUTO在首尔迎来韩国首秀,举办了系列发布会,包括媒体发布会和VIP专场新品发布会。近120名媒体嘉宾和200名VIP嘉宾亲临现场,共同见证这场红色盛宴。

Jul 18th, the new F8 TRIBUTO, the latest model of the legendary supercar brand Ferrari, was unveiled in Seoul with a series of launch events, including a press conference and a VIP reception that nearly 120 media guests and 200 VIP guests attended.

在超级跑车揭幕之前,韩国知名独立摇滚乐队Guckkasten应邀在发布会现场举办了一场演唱会。在动感十足音乐的烘托下,全场氛围被点燃了,通过将意大利经典和韩国现代流行音乐完美融合起来,标志着品牌方旨在以一种全新的方式将F8 TRIBUTO引入韩国市场,树立年轻化的、时刻保持活力的品牌形象。

Before the unveiling of the new supercar, Guckkasten, a popular South Korean indie rock band, played a live concert for the invited guests. The performance reinforced the brand image of Ferrari by revealing the F8 TRIBUTO in a new and energetic way into the South Korean market, with Italian and Korean pop classics.

待所有嘉宾们入座之后,灯光暗下,巨型三面投影幕布上开始放映新车的官宣视频,此时,SMS GROUP将活动场地变成了一个流光溢彩的视听享受景观空间,为嘉宾们创造了前所未有的沉浸式环境,让观众惊叹不已。

As all guests were seated, the lights dimmed. With a video projection onto 3-sides of the room, SMS GROUP turned the event venue into an auditory and visually unexpected experience for the guests, creating truly immersive environments to marvel the audiences.

终于,舞台中央传来引擎发动的声响,全场被渲染成法拉利的经典红,万受瞩目的全新F8 Tributo缓缓驶入舞台中央,让在场的嘉宾感受其为代表的法拉利车型释放的那一抹红色激情——高性能和空气动力学效率的关键特征。

Finally, the venue was rendered in Ferrari's classic red. One F8 Tributo made its appearance slowly with the strong engine sound across the central avenue, perfectly showcasing Ferrari’s key characteristics of high performance and extreme aerodynamic efficiency.

F8 TRIBUTO缓缓向前驶动。随后,法拉利远东和中东地区首席执行官Dieter Knechtel先生上台致欢迎辞,介绍新车型并诚邀嘉宾上台赏车。

The F8 TRIBUTO moved forward to the center of the stage. Following that, Mr. Dieter Knechtel, CEO of Ferrari Far and Middle East held a speech to introduce the new model and invited the guests to have a look at the it.

SMS GROUP很荣幸为法拉利品牌策划并运营了这次发布会活动,通过相关的场地选择、场地布置、视频和隆重的揭幕仪式,帮助品牌向嘉宾传达F8 TRIBUTO的独特魅力,加深品牌忠诚度。以“临场力”为核心,我们将每场活动瞬间转化为一场极致的视听盛宴,打造身临其境的品牌体验,协助品牌与其客户群建立持续性的情感连结。

SMS GROUP proudly planned and operated these launch events, which helped Ferrari convey the unique characteristics of F8 TRIBUTO to guests to enhance brand loyalty by means of a impressive venue selection, venue decor, video and powerful unveiling. Facilitating “THE POWER OF LIVE”, we transformed the event into an immersive moment of sights and sounds that emotionally connected with the audience.




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