
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: IT及通讯

项目日期: 2018-10-22 09:00 2018-10-24 18:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 谷歌2018世界人工智能大会AI展览



上海 西岸艺术中心



2018年世界人工智能大会(WAIC)是中国首届人工智能峰会,汇集了全球一些最大的科技品牌,此次峰会在上海举行。会议邀请了来自中国科技巨头的众多顶级人工智能科学家和企业家,讨论人工智能的最新技术前沿和工业应用。 Google在峰会上通过知识交流论坛,互动式人工智能展览和AI Park分享了其最新开发的人工智能技术,其中包括来自多个行业的最新技术。

The 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), China’s inaugural AI Summit bringing together some ofthe largest tech brands globally, was held in Shanghai. The conference featured top-tier AI scientists and entrepreneurs from China’s tech giants for discussions on AI’s latest technological frontiers and industrial applications. Google shared its latest AI developments at the summit through knowledge exchange forums, an interactive AI Exhibition and the AI Park which featured the newest technology from across multiple industries.

Google与Jack Morton合作,为访客创造了独特的体验。其中一个重要亮点是谷歌的人工智能展览,位于龙博物馆,占地2000平方米,展示了14个互动活动,展示了人工智能在艺术,科技,时尚和旅游各领域的应用。互动项目包括艺术相机,通过科技参观者可以欣赏艺术作品的每一个细节,使用十亿像素的相机和艺术调色板,使游客能够揭开任何图片的色彩构成,并在这些配色方案中找到其他艺术品。

Google partnered with Jack Morton to create a unique experience for visitors. A key highlight was Google’s AI Exhibition, located in the Long Museum, which spanned 2,000 square meters and featured 14 interactive activities that demonstrated the application of AIin the fields of arts, technology, fashion, and travel. Interactive engagements included Art Camera, which allowed visitors to appreciate every detail of an art piece with a one-billion-pixel camera and Art Palette, which enabled visitors to unveil the colour composition of any picture and find other art works in those colour schemes.

其他互动活动包括互动皮影戏,游客通过手势创建他们最喜爱的动物,倾斜画笔,让参观者沉浸在3D绘画中,并为艺术作品增添了个人风格;著名的Guess My Sketch,通过Google的AI网络识别游客的绘画; AI Duet,分析钢琴演奏带来的音乐艺术,让参观者有机会在展览会上展示他们的个人杰作。

Other interactive activities included an interactive Shadow Play, where visitors created their favourite animal through hand gestures, Tilt Brush, which immersed visitors in a 3D painting and added their personal touch to the artwork; the famous Guess My Sketch, which recognized visitors’ drawings through Google’s AI network; AI Duet, which analysed any music played on piano; and Draw to Art, which allowed visitors to showcase their masterpiece at the exhibition with visitors.




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