2019 康宝莱非凡之旅
香港 亚洲国际博览馆
On two days, May 24 - May 25, Herbalife (China) Extraordinary was held at AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong. Nearly 15,000 invited guests attended this grand annual event.
The Exhibition Area of this conference adopted the theme of an airport terminal in the design of eight different sections. The combined experience of the areas and elements of the terminal effectively conveyed the brand message that Herbalife would lead all partners to a promising future.
除此之外,还有外区互动区,包括产品区、体育区、表彰区等。参会者可以在体育区参与战绳挑战,让伙伴进入会场即可感受到GO Big的康宝莱精神。
In addition, there were interactive areas, including a Product Area, Sports Area and Recognition Area. Participants for example could participate in a battling ropes challenge in the Sports Area, strengthening them in line with the Herbalife spirit of ‘GO Big’.
参会者热身完之后,康宝莱(中国)非凡之旅大会正式拉开序幕,在掌声雷动中,康宝莱全球董事会主席兼首席执行官Michael O. Johnson先生,踏着动感的音乐步入舞台,并向观众致辞。
After this warm-up, Herbalife (China) Extraordinary officially kicked off. Greeted by rapturous applause, Mr. Michael O.Johnson, Chairman and CEO of Herbalife stepped onto the stage and spoke to the audience.
大会上,康宝莱还宣布与国际冠军杯赛合作,并成为其官方运动营养赞助商,此次大会还邀请了著名球星“斗牛犬” 身为世界足坛百大球星之一的Edgar Davids先生担任嘉宾。大会现场Michael O. Johnson先生与Edgar Davids先生共同在球衣上留下两人的亲笔签名,全球独此一件的球衣将进行慈善拍卖。
Herbalife announced a partnership with the International Champions Cup, becoming its official sports nutrition sponsor. Surprisingly, Mr. Edgar Davids (nicknamed ‘Pitbull’), one of the top 100 footballer players globally appeared on the stage. Mr. Michael O. Johnson and Mr. Edgar Davids left their signature on a jersey, to be auctioned for charity.
接下来是表彰环节,Michael O. Johnson先生与John Agwunobi博士共同为两位特级代表表彰。鉴于本次为中国首次以其创始人Mark Hughes先生为主题设计之颁奖晚会,故SMS GROUP结合舞蹈演出的方式设计开场演出,同时在视频中加入Mark Hughes 先生的语录与照片,让每位参与伙伴均可感受Mark Hughes先生的领导力精神。
In the following award ceremony, Mr. Michael O. Johnson and with Dr. John Agwunobi awarded two super Hebalife partners. Considering that this was the first time in China to associate the event theme with its founder Mr. Mark Hughes, SMS GROUP planned the opening show to present quotes from the founder with heritage photographs integrated into a dance choreography, letting all guests feel Mr. Mark Hughes's spirit.
Following Herbalife’s tradition, selected "stars" of their partner family also contributed to the event with a performance. They took the stage in costumes and danced a choreography along with the live dynamic music under the dazzling lasers, making the audience on site ecstatically applaud their lifestyle and energy.
SMS GROUP很荣幸再度牵手康宝莱策划执行此次热情洋溢、精彩纷呈又令人振奋的年度盛会,在与其伙伴们的共同协作下,传递康宝莱的健康与动感,共同展望未来十年的宏伟愿景。
SMS GROUP proudly partnered with Herbalife Nutrition in planning and executing this passionate, wonderful and exciting annual event, delivering the health and vitality of the brand and its vision of the next decade in collaboration with its partners.