
项目品牌: Intel

项目行业: IT及通讯

项目日期: 2021-08-15 09:00 2021-08-17 21:00

项目地点: 北京 石景山首钢园区

项目名称: 英特尔北京 2022 年冬奥会体验中心

为助力科技奥运,奥德旺为英特尔设计打造的英特尔北京 2022 年冬奥会体验中心将展示全方位渗透历届奥运的英特尔的前瞻技术和高科技解决方案,致力于打造前所未有的具有创新性和身临其境的沉浸式奥运会体验。

To better support the high-tech Olympics, Intel Tech House designed and produced by AUDITOIRE displays a series of high-tech products and solutions for the Olympics Games. And Intel Tech House devotes to creating an unprecedented innovative and immersive Olympic experience.

英特尔北京 2022 年冬奥会体验中心位于石景山首钢园区 3 号高炉再生馆 A 一层和 B1 层,即将正式开放。

Intel Tech House is located on 3rd Shougang Park, Blast Furnace Regeneration Hall A, first floor and B1. It’s about to officially open.

场馆一楼是英特尔北京 2022 年冬奥会体验中心。还原奥运比赛项目,用互动的形式让观者能够沉浸式体验奥运赛事。设计涵盖 品牌愿景墙 三维运动员追踪 ,用于广播行业的 VR 技术平台 数字孪生场馆模拟仿真系统

On the first floor, we have the 2022 Beijing Olympic Experience Center by Intel. Over here, we use digital interaction to imitate Olympic games, allowing spectators to feel immersed in ongoing sporting events. The design includes Brand Story Wall Area 3D Athlete Tracking (3DAT) VR Technology Platform for Broadcast Media , and VSS  (Venue Simulation Services) .

场馆 B1 层,英特尔科技体验心。B1 层是 Intel 的 4 大 BU 与 27 个合作伙伴的跨界合作项目展示区域。涵盖 智慧教育 智慧城市 智慧办公 智慧娱乐 四组体验区域。

On B1, we have the Intel Tech House. This area consists of four of Intel China’s biggest business units, along with 27 partners', they demonstrate a collaborative environment. Including areas for Smart Education , Smart City , Smart Office and Smart Entertainment .




英特尔北京 2022 年冬奥会体验中心的

创意设计 制作搭建

AUDITOIRE team drew inspiration from

the light luxury industrial style of Shougang Park

The team is honored to support Intel Tech House

for the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022

with creative design, production and construction.



原文链接为: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nfTIj3RaBW6PC6wv_vMyxQ


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