积家Reverso 翻转系列主题展览(上海)

项目品牌: JaegerLeCoultre 积家

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2021-07-09 09:00 2021-07-18 18:00

项目地点: 上海 艺仓美术馆

项目名称: 积家Reverso 翻转系列主题展览(上海)


Reverso 翻转系列主题展览


上海 艺仓美术馆

Jaeger-LeCoultre presents the Grand Exhibition “Reverso Timeless Stories since 1931” at Shanghai Modern Art Museum.

为庆祝 Reverso 翻转系列腕表问世九十周年,积家专为这一制表典范特别呈现 Reverso 翻转系列主题展览,该展览于7月9日于上海艺仓美术馆 (Modern Art Museum Shanghai) 以盛大开幕酒会拉开帷幕。

Reverso 翻转系列主题展览探索这一非凡设计的独特创意与文化内涵,引领参观者开启九十年传奇历史的旅程。作为开幕式的亮点,一场结合灯光、舞蹈与音乐的表演带领来宾踏上时光之旅,从装饰艺术时代至今,将光阴的历史娓娓道来。

Marking 90 years since the birth of the Reverso, Jaeger-LeCoultre celebrated the inauguration of Reverso Stories, a fascinating exhibition devoted to this icon of watchmaking, which is being presented at Modern Art Museum Shanghai.

Exploring the creative and cultural universe of this exceptional watch design, Reverso Stories leads visitors on a journey through 90 years of timeless modernity. As a highlight of the opening ceremony on July 9th, guests enjoyed a captivating laser and dance show. Created especially for this occasion, the choreography presented an evolution of style from the Art Deco period to the present day, through a beautiful fusion of light, movement and music.

项目现场 - 制作




Reverso 翻转系列主题展览

参观者可通过四大篇章了解 Reverso 翻转系列腕表的传奇历史:

- 经典传奇 (Story of an Icon) 通过难得一见的珍贵资料和历史表款,揭示 Reverso 翻转系列腕表之起源。

- 风格设计 (Story of Style & Design ) 则讲述 Reverso 翻转系列腕表与装饰艺术之间的渊源,追溯其在 90 年发展中成为公认设计典范的过程。从可翻转表壳的革命性理念,到高级制表复杂功能的引入。

- 创新历程 (Story of Innovation) 展现了 Reverso 翻转系列腕表蕴含的积家对技术进步与发明创造的永恒追求。

- 珍稀工艺 (Story of Craftsmanship) 则致敬积家珐琅工艺师、宝石镶嵌师、镌刻师和玑镂师的高超技艺,正是他们令 Reverso 翻转系列腕表成为展现艺术巧思及进行个性化定制的画布。

在展厅中央,参观者还可一睹积家为纪念 Reverso 翻转系列腕表九十周年,委托美国著名艺术家迈克• 墨菲 (Michael Murphy) 特别创作的全新艺术装置时·空 (Spacetime)。艺术家通过这件作品探索三 维空间与第四维度时间的关系,以引人入胜的独特方式,捕捉了计时与制表的迷人美感与精准特性。

Reverso 翻转系列主题展览的亮点不止于此。参观者通过微信注册登记,可在观展过程中参与 Reverso 翻转系列传奇故事问答,丰富对 Reverso 翻转系列腕表的了解; 对工艺情有独钟的参观者,则可通过互动式数字化展柜,探索 Reverso 翻转系列腕表令人惊叹的隐藏奇观; 偏爱美学艺术的参观者,还可亲自体验经典珍珠纹工艺。

此次展览免费向公众开放,须在到达前通过微信注册登记。Reverso 翻转系列主题展览将于上海艺仓美术馆 (Modern Art Museum Shanghai) 展出至7月18日,平时观展时间为上午10点至下午6点,7月17日和7月18日观展时间为上午 10 点至晚上 9 点。

Reverso Stories

Told in four fascinating chapters

Visitors to the exhibition will discover the history of the Reverso through four themes:

- Story of an Icon unveils its origins, through treasured archive materials and historic watches.

- Story of Style & Design examines the Art Deco roots of the Reverso and follows it through nine decades as it became recognised as a design icon.

- Story of Innovation explores how the Reverso embodies Jaeger- LeCoultre’s tireless quest for invention, from the revolutionary idea of a flip-over case to the introduction of High Complications.

- Story of Craftsmanship celebrates the Manufacture’s enamellers, gem- setters, engravers and guillochage masters, who transform Reverso cases into miniature works of art.

At the heart of the exhibition, visitors will encounter, Spacetime, a new art installation commissioned from the American artist Michael Murphy. In this work, the artist explores the relationship between the three physical dimensions of space, and the fourth dimension of time. Taking inspiration from the Reverso Tribute Nonantième watch, the installation captures the beauty and precision of time-keeping and time-making in a new and unique form.

The exhibition offers visitors several intriguing new ways to immerse themselves in the world of Reverso. When registered through WeChat they will be able to take part in an online quiz game as they tour the exhibits, thus increasing their knowledge of the Reverso story at every step. The more technically-minded will discover the hidden wonders of the new four-sided Reverso Quadryptique, through an interactive digital showcase. And those with an artistic bent can try their hand at the decorative craft of perlage – applying it to the cradle of a Reverso watch case.

For admission to the exhibition, which is free of charge, guests are invited to register their attendance through WeChat in advance or on arrival at the exhibition. Reverso Stories runs from 9th of July until 18th of July at Modern Art Museum Shanghai, open from 10am to 6pm daily. On 17th & 18th of July open from 10am to 9pm.


项目现场 - 回顾


积家 Reverso 翻转系列主题展览探索非凡设计的独特创意与文化内涵,引领参观者开启九十年传奇历史的旅程。参观者可通过:经典传奇(Story of an Icon)、风格设计(Story of Style & Design)、创新历程(Story of Innovation)、珍稀工艺(Story of Craftsmanship)四大篇章,了解 Reverso 翻转系列腕表的传奇历史。

关于 REVERSO 翻转系列腕表

1931 年,积家推出注定成为二十世纪典范之作的一款时计: Reverso 翻转系列腕表。

这款腕表专为激烈的马球比赛设计,凭借流畅的装饰艺术风格线条与独特的可翻转表壳,成为腕表史上最具辨识度的表款之一。90 年来, Reverso 翻转系列腕表在保留自身特色的同时,不断推陈出新,曾搭载超过 50 款不同机芯,而空白金属翻转表背也成为挥洒创意的画布,曾以珐琅工艺、镌刻或宝石镶嵌加以装饰。2021 年,Reverso 翻转系列腕表将迎来九十周年纪念,并将继续成为激发其灵动创意的现代精神的缩影。


In 1931, Jaeger-LeCoultre launched a timepiece that was destined to become a classic of 20th-century design: the Reverso.

Created to withstand the rigours of polo matches, its sleek, Art Deco lines and unique reversible casemake it one of the most immediately recognisable watches of all time. Through nine decades the Reverso has continually reinvented itself without ever compromising its identity: it has housed more than 50 different calibres, while its blank metal flip side has become a canvas for creative expression, decorated with enamel, engravings or gemstones. Today, 90 years after the Reverso was born, it continues to epitomise the spirit of modernity that inspired its creation.




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