全新路虎揽胜运动 SV Edition One限量版上市

项目品牌: LANDROVER 路虎

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2024-04-12 19:00 2024-04-12 21:00

项目地点: 北京 璞瑄酒店

项目名称: 全新路虎揽胜运动 SV Edition One限量版上市


全新揽胜运动 SV Edition One限量版上市


北京 璞瑄酒店


4月12日,揽胜品牌在北京嘉德艺术中心举办“揽胜之夜”,全新全球性品牌体验平台“揽胜之境”将正式登陆中国。届时,新现代豪华主义的性能旗舰——揽胜运动SV Edition One限量版也将正式上市,与全新揽胜SV一道,以不断进阶的性能、历久弥新的设计、个性化定制等,为客户带来超越期待的新现代豪华主义体验。


项目现场 - 空间


The exclusive modern luxury destination is the physical embodiment of Range Rover. Our very first ‘Range Rover House’ in Beijing represents the brand’s modernist design philosophy, offering ephemeral experiences that reflect Chinese culture for our invitation-only clients. In the heart of Beijing, right next to the Forbidden City, is the Guardian Art Center where ‘Range Rover House’ is located. The 'Leading by Example' ethos of Range Rover, present since 1970, resonates with the capital of China. Launching of exclusive editions in desirable destinations. Two exciting unveilings included the New Range Rover Sport SV Edition One, a model that redefines sports performance and luxury, and the Range Rover SV Bespoke personalization service, offering a journey of elevated refinement tailored to our select clients. Featuring the artistry of Oscar-winning art director Tim Yip, the event underscores the brand's alignment with cultural heritage and modern luxury. Our guests were offered the opportunity for an immersive experience to sample the craftsmanship of the Range Rover Family alongside masterpieces, high jewelry, gourmet, and other cultural moments. The 'Range Rover House' will continue to offer exclusive experiences to our clients, bringing true modern luxury to life through curated experiences in China.


在北京市中心,紧邻紫禁城,是“揽胜之家”所在的嘉德艺术中心。自 1970 年以来,路虎揽胜一直秉承“以身作则”的精神,与中国首都产生了共鸣。 在理想的目的地推出独家版本。

两场激动人心的发布会包括全新路虎揽胜运动版SV Edition One,这是一款重新定义运动性能和豪华的车型,以及路虎揽胜SV定制个性化服务,为我们的精选客户提供了更精致的旅程。 该活动以奥斯卡获奖艺术总监叶锦添的艺术为特色,强调了该品牌与文化传统和现代奢侈品的结合。

我们的客人有机会身临其境地体验,品尝路虎揽胜家族的精湛工艺以及杰作、高级珠宝、美食和其他文化时刻。 “路虎揽胜之家”将继续为我们的客户提供独家体验,通过在中国的精选体验,将真正的现代奢华带入生活。



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