【记录细节】领克07EM-P 全球首秀暨设计品鉴
项目品牌: 领克
项目行业: 汽车及制造
2024-03-09 00:00
2024-03-09 23:59
项目地点: 上海 西岸艺术中心
项目名称: 【记录细节】领克07EM-P 全球首秀暨设计品鉴
领克07EM-P 全球首秀暨设计品鉴
上海 西岸艺术中心
各位嘉宾、女士们、先生们以及在线上关注领克的各位朋友们,大家晚上好,欢迎来到领克 07 EM-P 全球首秀现场,在新的一年很高兴和大家又见面了,从去年百万 Co 客大会上我们发布了 07 的命名,到今天全球首秀正好 107 天,我们期待的领克 07 与光同晨,如期而至。
从 2017 年领克的 CCC 概念车,到现在的 NEXT DAY 的领克设计语言的进阶,我们始终吸引着全球热衷于设计艺术和音乐的朋友们,让他们看到领克就能发自内心的说,真酷。七年来,我们像忠于自我一样,忠于都市对立美学,坚持独立的个性,坚持正向的原创设计,都市天机线、北极之光的日行灯以及领潮转角。这些标志性的设计元素在领克之前从未出现,从领克01一直传承至今。看见领克,这就是我,是超百万领克用户的共同心声。都市对立美学,它不只是领克品牌与用户的共鸣,它更是领克 生而全球的驱动力,领克是第一个拥有全球化设计资源,真正持续惠及全球创意的中国高端品牌。我们注重于开放创新,我们事业更大,视角也更多元,我们更敢于去实践。
在领克,设计就是灵魂,每一款车型的设计费用都是以亿为单位,每一次设计开发都是不同领域、不同肤色的先锋设计师。 Link 在一起的灵感火花。当新能源时代来临的时候,生而全球开放互联的领克带来了全新一代的都市对立美学,将能源科技的更迭、虚拟与现实的融合、智能与性能的体验叠加比拟,为破晓曙光,打破黑夜的瞬间。
作为新一代设计语言的首款 SUV, 领克08的成功上市与用户的反响,现在销量已经超过5万台,充分验证了领克原创设计的魅力,只有差异化的创新体验才能减少同质化的价格战的冲击,新能源时代的设计不能跟随,更不能落入俗套。
随着破晓之光的延伸,我们迎来了领克07,它是新一代设计语言的最新力作。领克 07 是一眼可见的领克范,他是全球设计团队对于新能源轿车的最新思考,在开发过程中设计全方位的赋能的产品,不止于美学的表达,更是造型的设计、体验设计和工程设计的完美融合。在它的开发进程中,时差 7 个小时的欧洲设计团队与我们中国工程团队无界协同,围绕于用户的安全、舒适空间体验,提出想法,解决问题,实现创新。就是这样一个全球协同,让美学与功能能够得到完美的融合,才造就出了 07 的原创魅力。那么接下来就让我们把时间留给领克的设计师团队,让他们为大家分享领克 07 的设计心灵感,体验新突破。那下面有请Stefan Rosen。
欢迎领克设计中心总裁 Stefan Rosen
Stefan Rosen
Hi.My name is Stephen Rosen, and I'm the president of LYNK&CO Design.I'm excited to be back here in China to show you our latest car from LYNK&CO. But before we lift the sheet of our main star here today, you will need to listen for a few minutes to me and three of my colleagues from design.I hope that is okay.As you might know already, we have our design studio in Gothenburg, Sweden, but the designers really come from all over the world.
Stefan Rosen
I'm leading this team, but I want to emphasize that it is a team, personal, open, connected, define the LYNK&CO brand spirit. It's evident in how we operate.And I encourage the designers to challenge convention, and I also allow a lot of detailed decisions to the team.I give substantial room for creativity at LYNK&CO. The only bottom line that restricts designers is safety.I like to oversee the bigger picture, and I feel strongly about making sure a LYNK&CO has that special, unique feeling. A Lincoln code should never be mistaken for anything else.It should be an original design.Since our first linking code has become an, we have become an established strong identity.
Stefan Rosen
Today, we are presenting the second car out with the next day design language, the 07 EM-P. Let me do a short recap of the next day design language.Besides the physical representation, the show car we named the next day, we stated four design principles.The first one is there to be LYNK&CO. It is important to keep a strong brand identity that sets us apart.Link at first sight, it means confidence in what we have and to stay consistent.It's evident when you see how we start with a low front end and our iconic lamps.For instance, our second design principle is next premium, and we want to find new ways to express quality and comfort and do premium differently, we want to find modern ways that also speaks to our customers.
Stefan Rosen
The third design principle is proud tech. We need to plan for how we integrate technological features, and we purposely cluster tech into a few areas to create points of interest. Our fourth and last design principle we call rich experience, and this is where we add the brand flavor, give the people more, not less, with strong ensembles.
Stefan Rosen
So who are these people when it comes to the 07 EM-P? We need to go from a high level vision and make sure we get global insights into society and trends and get to know the specific target customer for the car we are about to design.Customers always play the lead role.Who are they?What are their needs and wants?
Stefan Rosen
We coined a phrase for the show car the next day, a hybrid car for hybrid people.And I think this catchphrase is equally suitable for LYNK&CO 07 EM-P, mature and stable young adults, either about to form or have already established families. They have broad interests and aspire to own a stylish and enjoyable family car, seeking accessible luxury and savoring the quality of urban life.On the other hand, they don't want to go for family SUV.They want something sporty and fun.
Stefan Rosen
With these young customers in mind, I'm happy to share the stage with some young team members that share the age of the targeted customer, starting with lead exterior designer Andrey Kirichenko.
欢迎领克 07 EM-P 外观设计负责人 Andrey Kirichenko
Andrey Kirichenko
Hi, my name is Andrey. I'm the lead exterior designer for 07 EM-P. I have been working in automotive design for 6 years in Germany, France, and now Sweden.I'm part of the generation we're designing for, and I truly sympathize with their elegant aesthetics blended with advanced technologies that many millenials seek.
Andrey Kirichenko
As exterior designers, our role in the automotive industry is akin to being visual storytellers. We sculpt metal and lines, giving a life to a narrative that extends beyond the surface. So besides technical experience, I need to be creative and pay attention to details, especially to captivate my generation. The spark of inspiration comes from unexpected sources, architecture, nature, works of art, and even finding inspiration in music.
Andrey Kirichenko
The design process begins with sketching, where ideas are conceptualized and refined on paper or a digital tablet. From these initial sketches, we transition to creating detailed three dimensional models. This is where creativity meets precision as we refine every curve and every surface to perfection. Digital modeling allows us to experiment with different angles and lighting conditions. In the ritual space, clay modeling is where the design truly comes life. Clay modelers handcraft and sculpt the physical form of the car. We make about 3,4 physical models during different stages of the project to verify proportions, design ideas and details, often producing multiple iterations before finalizing the design for production.
Andrey Kirichenko
However, design is not solely about aesthetics. Functionality is equally Paramount. We work closely with engineers to ensure that our designs also perform well in real world driving scenarios. The side mirrors are one example, the white mirror surface reduces blind spots for the driver. From an eye static point of view, we achieved an elegant borderless design. The daytime running lights are another example. There's super important items from a branding perspective, but here we need to consider had impact for pedestrian safety. So from sketching to real product, there are many loops of refinement. Still, the distinctive to stripe drls and the iconic tag bands are two elements that together create a strong visual identity.
Andrey Kirichenko
In the front, the headlights are seamlessly integrated into the tech band for a clean and technical look.The side panel of the 07 EM-P has slick flowing surfaces that will spread the reflections like trays of light. Or as we said about the next day, Shokai sculptured by sunrise.The lines over the body side bring a beautiful three dimensional light and shadow effect.
Andrey Kirichenko
Since interior space is important for our customers, we made the exterior design slick, like a Telomite suit to perfectly enhance the profile and the altitude of the car. Coupled with a black roof, we achieved an elegant silhouette. The rectangular shape of the cpular is an evolution from the first generation design feature. That element is present in multiple LinkedIn co models and we wanted it to breach over to the second generation. And honestly, it also helps the sleek visual perception of the spacious cabin. Rear lamps are shaped to maximize presence and charisma and to, of course, be brand ambassadors on the road as it also carries our iconic to stripe light signature. Now it's time to welcome Pontus Merkel to the stage. Thank you very much, and I will see you all afterwards.
有请领克 07 EM-P 内饰设计负责人 Pontus Merkel
Pontus Merkel
Thank you very much, Andrey. Hi, everyone.My name is Pontus, and I am chief interior designer for the 07.As Stefan mentioned, if you want to pursue a career or an automotive design, you must be prepared to move around.I have experience working with manufacturers both in Germany and in United Kingdom.However, for the past six years, I've had the pleasure of working for the LYNK&CO brand, and I'm very excited about what we're gonna show you here today.
Pontus Merkel
To design the interior of a vehicle, you must have a good understanding of many pieces coming together to form one coherent product. This goal is to create a space in which people want to spend time. The core interior is from any, an extension of your home, your living space. Hence, it needs to be both comfortable and practical without compromising the design elegance.
Pontus Merkel
As a millennial myself, I have the same expectations as all young people of today put on product aesthetics, whether we look at fashion, personal gadgets or cars. To create this experience, we collaborate very closely with the experts in the color and materials department. Designers look for inspiration across many fields beyond the automotive sphere. We look at fashion trends, culture, art, architecture and furniture design, to name a few. We aim to create a design that bridges over trend cycles, a lasting designs that make a product desirable over time. This, I would say, is the trickiest part of our job, how to make something look new and exciting whilst maintaining relevant in the future.
Pontus Merkel
For the 07, we had lightness as a keyword. This is especially evident in the door design.All volumes and lines are swept away from the driver, creating a sense of space and connecting seamlessly with the dashboard.The Dorma armrests are floating.It's a cantilever design that opens up the door pocket for more storage space, while also reducing the volume out of the door.The sculpture in this area have built in functionality by also being the door handles.I think this is a great way to combine form and function.The volumes of the instrument panel are pushed forward as much as possible.This is to create increased cabin space, but also to put in focus the rotatable movable screen for the driver and the front seat passenger sitting in the 07.
Pontus Merkel
You will notice that we have bridged the lines from door to door. Our vision here was to create a cocoon, something that embraces the passengers for the interior not only to be but also to feel like a safe space. And as you might expect here, we gave the engineering teams a real challenge to encapsulate all of the internal structures and components in the doors and measurement panel. And our colleagues that in engineering are the ones that really make it possible to realize this truly unique design. And by numbers, together, we have achieved a truly spacious interior for a sedan silhouette on top of the instrument panel, a wing like sculpture appears to be levitating. This concept echoes the design in the next day show car, envisioning a spaceship that is landing on a soft moon, an object that pushes the surrounding volumes away. I also took inspiration from bicycle frames that are strong, lightweight and aerodynamic. The wing is a good example of this, of the design principle, proud tech that Stefan mentioned to you earlier. It forms a tech cluster in front of the driver carrying the augmented reality headset display.
Pontus Merkel
Stefan also mentioned to you that the target customer in mind has possibly a kid on the way. This is something I can relate to. As me and my partner are expecting our first child. This fact influenced me in my work, reflecting on the needs and the wants of, if you're young and you're starting a family, for me as a father to be, I'm thinking it's important to have good storage solutions for baby care products, toys or, and a big trunk to fit your stroller in. As a parent, I'd also like to sit comfortably also in the rear seat looking after my child. But a well designed seat does not only depend on comfort, it also reflects elegance. And in my opinion, these are probably our best seats to date. On that note, I will hand over to my CMF colleague to elaborate more on how we exceed on elegance. So thank you very much and welcome Guillermo onto the stage. Thank you very much.
欢迎领克 07 EM-P CMF 设计负责人 Guillermo Colomer。
Guillermo Colomer
Hi, I'm Guillermo and I'm a cm designer for 07 CMF stands for color, material and finishes. I've always like fashion cars, so for me, this is my dream job.
Guillermo Colomer
Every time I come to China, I'm amazed by the mega cities like Shanghai, the fast paced lifestyle and a mix of traditional future environment. I like the transformation of the city from day to night. I'm observing how activities change based on the time of the day and the impact that if that this has on the color palette. At a design studio, we continuously conduct technical research into trends, innovation, materials and colors to have the right ingredients ready to choose from when we start a project. But we also need inspiration to create a specific product recipe.
Guillermo Colomer
So when I thought about what to do for our target customer, I imagine what a Friday night would look like in Mega City. I imagine driving a 0,7 on the highway, crossing the city center, crossing the bun, honestly felt like riding a spaceship. Well, I also did my research and found the dark skies contrasting the city likes and nighttime Shanghai very inspirational. So I created a material in color theme based on his vision. It has a combination of dark blue color representing the Shangani's nice guy and a great color referencing the asphalt of the city. Like all the accents mimic the satellites.
Guillermo Colomer
But then I ask myself, what is next? What weekend is going to look like? But weekend hours nice because we can take the time to relax and have some quality time with the ones we love.
Guillermo Colomer
I imagine walking around on a summer day in Shanghai, enjoying lunch and a casual shopping. I remember how the sun craze this contrast of warm light and a shadow on the skyscrapers. That is how I found my second concept for a brighter theme. We combine a live warm shade with a secondary dark blue ass color. And the Chris Paxson color is meta pink, which is a color we strongly believe will be on the top of the train in the automotive within the upcoming years. This interior is luminous, warm and fresh, just like a perfect relaxed Sandy in the city.
Guillermo Colomer
As my colleague bond to say, the CMF and interior design teams collaborated to deliver a sophisticated product. The center console features decorative seams with inspiration from elements found in luxury handbags, and we use our material combinations to create a sense of home in this third living space. Together, we created a few contrasting design elements, such as the central decorative jewel in the seats and door panels. The seats are meticulously designed, utilizing the finest materials to ensure the next premium. The seat back rest and cushion use whole leather heights, and we perforate the leather with a pixel pattern to ensure the ergonomic requirements provide breathable skin friendly sense of comfort. We also have dedicated conservative effort to graphic and pattern development with an holistic approach for connecting all areas of the interior and exterior.
Guillermo Colomer
So let's turn our attention to the exterior colors. We have a high gloss black greenhouse in combination with all the clattings and bumper details. And this black roof not only adds elegance, but it also clear brand statement as it's implemented for all cars. The body color palette complements the interior proposals, allowing users to choose any color with confidence that the final product will always look fantastic.
Guillermo Colomer
All the details mentioned so far are showcased today in server heat, body color, as you can see in all the images, it is a tinted warm seal silver that almost replicates having a sunrise on your exterior. It is, symbolizes the symbiosis of technology and nature, but we also have a global debit of a brand new body color, darkling blue. It showcases the indigo moment between night and dawn and a dream like an enchanting blue tone, time of the day, elegant yet by dynamic, it perfectly complements the black Ocean interior color. So to summarize with the 07 EM-P, we have a truly perfect our game. Thank you so much. And now it's time for the final speaker of the evening to speak for itself.