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乐高®教育在重庆教装展继续推广SPIKE™ Prime和庆祝乐高®教育40周年

Jack Morton再一次与乐高®教育携手参加重庆教装展。整个展台包括六个体验互动区,不仅为庆祝乐高®教育的40周年纪念,还为了让教育领域的专家们可以更好的了解乐高® 教育的产品并且参与体验。Jack Morton, once again, partnered with LEGO® Eduaction to create their third CEEIA booth in Chongqing, China. We created a six-part interactive space to not only celebrate LEGO® Education’s 40th anniversary but also to help experts in the education field learn about the products and get hands-on with them.
首先,观众会在入口处接受来自由SPIKE™ Prime拼搭而成的新模型Sam的热烈欢迎。接着进入40周年画廊,在这里观众可以了解到40年来乐高® 教育的经典产品,以及乐高®教育如何将创新,趣味性和创意融入到学习之中。在画廊之后,观众会接到来自FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL)的挑战,FLL是为年轻人如何探索和培养STEAM学习而举办的国际性赛事。Visitors were first greeted by a new LEGO®Education SPIKE™ Prime robot, Sam at the reception area followed by the 40th Anniversary gallery, where some of the most iconic LEGO® Education products across four decades were showcased. We designed a history wall that showed how LEGO® Education products developed over the years, bringing more innovation, fun and creativity into learning. At the end of the gallery, guests were introduced to the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) Challenge, an international competition to help youths discover and explore STEAM learning. 

通过K12展区,观众可以了解到乐高® 教育为不同年龄段的学生,包括从学前到中学学生提供的产品套装和系统课件,以及乐高® 教育和华东师范大学出版社联合出版的教学课程。The K12 zone featured LEGO® Education products for different age groups and introduced LEGO® Education and East China Normal University's "class-kits", a series of courses designed to encourage primary and middle school students to take part in science, technology, arts and math. 

接着来到SPIKE™ Prime 互动专区,观众可以学习和体验SPIKE™ Prime产品提供的丰富的解决方案。并了解到乐高®教育为配合疫情最新提出的融合式学习方案。让老师和同学们在不同的环境下都可以通过SPIKE™ Prime来愉快的学习,将学习的乐趣拓展到居家和线上学习中。The SPIKE™ Prime area included multiple stations for guests to learn about new SPIKE™ Prime products and to play with them. For the first-time, LEGO® Education introduced its Hybrid Learning, a program for students to learn with LEGO® Education anywhere, extending the power of play beyond classrooms.

通过三天的展会,乐高®教育展台一共接待了超过6000名观众,也是整个教装展最受欢迎的展台。Across three days, over 6000 people visited the booth. Most importantly, the LEGO® Education booth was one of the most talked-about experiences at CEEIA.
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