林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造川蜀秘境

项目品牌: 林肯

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2017-09-10 09:00 2017-09-12 17:00

项目地点: 成都

项目名称: 林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造川蜀秘境

Explore the Extraordinary of Sichuan丨川蜀秘境之旅,谁与你一同开启?


成都 青城山和虹口风景区



林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造川蜀秘境 Redefine your knowledge of Sichuan on N30°

AUDITOIRE团队筹备策划了林肯全系豪华SUV(MKC, MKX, Navigator)试驾体验活动并提供了全程接待服务。林肯带领受邀来自中国10多个不同城市的车主及客户共同寻找初心之旅,此次探秘的是秀美瑰丽的川蜀大地。

AUDITOIRE team and the three SUVs —MKC, MKX, Navigator –are back conquering the roads in Sichuan Province. A branded driving experience & hospitality program designed in every detail especially for Lincoln car owners and consumers, who joined from more than 10 different cities around China just for this occasion.


This incredibly exciting Test Drive journey took place from 10th to 12th September, re-discovering the “Mysterious Scenery” and exploring the most natural wonders of Western China through Chengdu, Mount Qingcheng, and Hongkou Scenic Area.

体验者们在“十大古都之一"的"成都启程。9月10日当晚,“林肯SUV探秘北纬30°” 为体验者举办了隆重的欢迎晚宴,晚宴上所布置的3D地球及装饰全部迎合此次“探秘北纬30°之旅”的主题。

The journey starts in Chengdu where the guests are welcomed with an elegant branded dinner reproducing the atmosphere of the travel on earth through the 30th Parallel North.


To kick start the journey, the famous Chinese actor Boss Bao (Yang Shuo) joins the group and accompanies them to conquer the roads of Sichuan! 24 SUVs on the road!


青城山,世界文化遗产之一,四大道教名山之一 ,国家5A级旅游景区。全山林木青翠,四季常青,诸峰环峙,状若城廓,丹梯千级,曲径通幽,享有“青城天下幽”的美誉。在这段成都至青城山的行程,体验者可以充分感受到车内豪华舒适的座舱体验,强大的ACC智能巡航系统、ANC主动噪音控制系统。

Driving south-west, through luxuriant and verdant trees to reach the most famous Taoist mountain in China, Mount Qingcheng. This intriguing evergreen scenic spot is surrounded by numerous peaks and is dubbed 'the most peaceful and secluded mountain under heaven'.



Moving to the next destination: Hongkou Scenic Spot. The drive gets a bit more challenging but fun at the same time, encountering many turns and steep roads. Here, the guests could enjoy the beautiful landscape of this National Natural Reservoir.


While in Dujiangyan, Lincoln guests get one more chance to enjoy the nature before heading back to their frenetic lives. From visiting the Giant Pandas and their natural habitat in the Panda Valley to following in the steps of Marco Polo to see a working irrigation system built in 256BC, picturesque gardens, temples, ancient river crossings and amazing views.


The exploration is not over, one more test drive coming up this month!


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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