林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造藏地初心

项目品牌: 林肯

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2017-08-20 17:00 2017-08-24 22:00

项目地点: 西藏

项目名称: 林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造藏地初心

Explore the Extraordinary of Tibet

林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造藏地初心


西藏 拉萨、羊卓雍措和林芝

项目预热 - 微博


林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30° 寻·造藏地初心煥新体验

Wave 2 - Redefine your experience of Tibet on N30°

这是此次林肯试驾活动的第二组行程。林肯全系豪华SUV三款车型 (MKC, MKX, Navigator)带领受邀媒体共同寻找初心之旅,此次探秘的是以其雄伟壮观、神奇瑰丽的自然风光闻名的西藏。

After exploring the scenic beauties of the ‘River South’, the three SUVs —MKC, MKX, Navigator – got back on the road to travel to the “Place of Gods”. By discovering the most spiritual sites of Tibet, this journey created a unique experience to redefine the extraordinary “YOU”.


From 20th to 24th August, AUDITOIRE China accompanied Lincoln and its Media guests traveling through thoughtfully designed routes to Lhasa, Yamdrok Lake and Nyingchi (Linzhi).


The adventure started in the ‘Holy Land', Lhasa. An elegant branded dinner welcomed the guests who felt immersed in an exclusive setting reproducing the travel on earth through the 30th Parallel North.


The next day, 14 SUVs conquering the roads!


Heading towards the northern slope of Himalayas, driving amid mountain valleys until reaching one of the three holy lakes in Tibet, Yamdrok Lake ("the jade lake on the upper meadow" in the Tibetan language).


A worthy break at this natural reservoir to admire the beautiful water color reflection on the lake and the peaceful natural landscape.


Next stop, Lhoka (–Shannan– “south of mountains” in the Tibetan language), regarded as the gathering place of Tibetan culture. Along the way, the guests could catch the unique feeling of the Tibetan traditional customs by driving through the local villages.

第三天, 体验者到达加查。加查境内地势高耸、重峦叠障,是西藏“拉萨-林芝”旅游沿线中重要的一环。

On the third day, another excellent drive via Gyaca Dzong (Jiacha) and through the Tibetan scenic mountain ranges to finally get to Nyingchi (Linzhi).


Nyingchi – Linzhi – (“Throne of the Sun” in the Tibetan language), has a relatively lower altitude bestowed with green mountain slopes and crystal-clear rivers.


The journey continues to reach Lulang Forest, known as the “Dragon King Valley”, a typical plateau-mountain-meadow located at an elevation of 3700 m.


The last stop to check in was Bayi Town, a newly flourishing industrial town surrounded by green mountains covered with thick and beautiful forest.

8月24日,林肯全系豪华SUV “探秘北纬30°,寻∙造藏地初心” 的第二组行程完满收官!所有试驾体验者一路驾驶在对车辆有极高挑战性的山路上,体验到了在高海拔地区飞驰的乐趣。

The second wave of this fascinating test drive with Lincoln SUV family came to an end featuring a great ability of the guests to drive up and down the difficult mountain roads and to cope with high altitude.

后续的三个行程也同样精彩不凡! 9月4日至7日,林肯全系豪华SUV探秘北纬30°寻∙造川蜀秘境即将到来! Don’t miss it, 敬请期待!

Three more exciting test drives coming soon! “Redefine your knowledge of Sichuan on N30°” is the next one on 4th -7th September. Stay tuned!


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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