LOUIS VUITTON 2023春夏男装系列大秀

项目品牌: LOUIS VUITTON 路易威登

项目行业: 服装及鞋履

项目日期: 2022-09-16 12:00 2022-09-18 19:00

项目地点: 秦皇岛 阿那亚

项目名称: LOUIS VUITTON 2023春夏男装系列大秀

LOUIS VUITTON 2023春夏男装系列大秀


秦皇岛 阿那亚


Under the sunset glow, the Louis Vuitton Men's Spring-Summer 2023 Spin-off show kicked off in Anaya, a coastal community stretching over 5 km of beaches in Beidaihe, China.

The Venue

“阿那亚”源自梵语Aranya,原意为“人间寂静处,找回本我的地方”。其文化属性与Virgil Abloh所秉承的创意理念不谋而合,旨在不断创造多元化的表达形式。

"Aranya" is derived from the Sanskrit word, which means "the place where the earth is silent, where one can finds oneself". Araya, considered an artistic community, shares an affinity with the vision of Virgil Abloh to create the varied expressions of travel.


In parallel to the fashion show, Louis Vuitton has playfully taken over key landmarks of the community with creative visuals: painted cinema facade & outdoor murals, bus and buggies, bus stops, road flags, cross roads floor paintings etc.


Following the "Magnified Playground" concept of the men's show in Paris in June, Louis Vuitton has created a giant dune sculpture on the golden coast of Anaya. Children and castles are enlarged in exaggerated proportions, everyone became a child when stepping in, looking up and full of curiosity.


A cinematic prelude titled “Mirage” created in a collaborative effort between Chinese directors Jia Zhangke (producer of the prelude) and Wei Shujun (director of the prelude) . Shot in Dunhuang on the Gobi Desert, the film stages a contemporary meeting between East and West reflected in the poetry of history. The story takes its audiences to Aranya beach where the live show unfolds in a sandscape.

The Runway

秀场以中央几座相互关联的城堡为中心,向两侧延展出交叉与蜿蜒的动线。无限“∞”形状的沙滩秀道,长达320米,位于由建筑师董功设计的两大地标建筑阿那亚礼堂与孤独图书馆之间,意在致敬Virgil Abloh所打造的8个系列。

The show was centered on several interconnected castles, with intersecting and winding routes extending from side to side. The 320 meters "infinity" shaped catwalk was situated between 2 key sites, the Lonely Library and the Community Hall, realized by Vector Architects, paying tribute to the eight collections created by Virgil Abloh.


Models walked along the beach runway, the viewers seemed to be on a time and space shuttle, back to their childhood innocence.


The Louis Vuitton Spring Summer 2023 Men's Collection is designed by the Louis Vuitton Studio Prêt-à-Porter Homme, which reflects the spirit behind Louis Vuitton's growth. Also bringing to Aranya 10 additional unseen.

The Looks


Brand ambassador Zhu Yilong, Gong Jun, Jin Chen, Liu Yaowen, along with stars Chen Kun, Dylon Wang, Justin Huang, Bai Jingting, Henry Lau and many others were invited and gathered to witness this trendy event.

大秀落幕,唯有海边“灯塔”在夜色中闪亮继而熄灭,浪漫且深沉。在阿那亚夏末初秋的夜晚,人们依旧在致敬缅怀Virgil Abloh。

As the show came to an end, only the glow from the lighthouse shining and then went out in the night, romantic and profound. On Anaya’s late summer and early autumn nights, tributes are still being paid to the memory of Virgil Abloh.


The after party turned into an outdoor musical festival vibe. Accompanied by dynamic music, neon lights flashing, the guests have joined the party with great enthusiasm.




部分信息来自 ACTIVATION 微信公众号内容

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