
项目品牌: 联想 Lenovo

项目行业: 互联网

项目日期: 2023-12-29 10:00 2024-12-29 22:00

项目地点: 天津

项目名称: 联想「从未来到未来」数字文明艺术展(天津)




Your future hasn't been written yet. Your future is whatever you make it.

我们在看 “穿越”电影鼻祖《回到未来》时,都对布朗博士这句名言印象深刻:未来还没有定论,是靠自己去创造的。不过如果我们不曾踏进位于联想天津智慧创新服务产业园里的 “未来中心”,将无从发现我们对于未来的想象有多贫乏。

In Back to the Future™ Trilogy, the originator of the "time-traveling" movie, we were all deeply impressed by Dr. Brown's famous saying: Your future hasn't been written yet. Your future is whatever you make it. However, if we havn't set foot in the "Future Center" located in the Lenovo Tianjin Smart Innovation Service Industrial Park, we will not be able to realize how poor our imagination for the future is.

人类文明经历三次工业革命,第一次带来了机械化取代劳动力,第二次的电气化带来能源革命,第三次自动化诞生了电子计算机,让太空探索与核能成为可能,而我们的时代进入的第四次工业革命,关键字是:“智能化”,联想以企业愿景回应了这个重大趋势:Smarter Technology For All ——智能,为每一个可能。并在北京、上海、深圳未来中心后,以 “4.0” 版的天津未来中心全面展开对于第4次工业革命的智能化应用提出解决方案蓝图,并展现一个精彩文明的理想世界。

Human civilization had gone through three industrial revolutions, the first one brought mechanization to replace labor. The second one brought electrification to cause the energy revolution. The third one brought automation and gave birth to computers, making space exploration and nuclear energy possible. and our era has entered the fourth industrial revolution. The key word of this one is: "Intelligence". Lenovo responded to this major trend with a corporate vision: Smarter Technology For All. After the building of Future Centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, the "4.0" version of Future Center in Tianjin will be fully launched, proposing a blueprint of solutions for the intelligent scenario of the 4th Industrial Revolution and showing an ideal world of wonderful civilization.


Man is the measure of all things

古希腊智者普罗泰戈拉说:人,是万物的尺度,这也是我们为什么用 “体验感” 来讨论一个展馆空间带给我们的交互界面。在联想天津未来中心里,我们可以处处皆是这种包围“体验感”所构思的设计、所营造的细节,以及所展开的对话。一层大堂的 “三重天” ,打破展厅沉浸装置的刻板印象,不再只是把游客赶到 “盒子” 里的 “兽圈” ,而是服务于建筑、空间设计、采光,并具有模态变化的数字机械艺术装置。我们可以清晰的感受她展现“信息环” 以及展开成为 “故事墙” 的姿态变化及立面可视面积的惊人扩展。

Protagoras, the ancient Greece sage, said: Man is the measure of all things, which is why we use "experience" to discuss the interactive interface brought to us by an exhibition space. In the Lenovo Tianjin Future Center, we can find that the design, the details created, and the dialogue that unfolds are everywhere in this enveloping "sense of experience". The "Triple Heaven" in the lobby on the first floor breaks the stereotype of immersive installation in showrooms and pavilions, and is no longer just a "beast circle" that drives visitors into the "box", but a digital mechanical art installation that cooperated with architecture, space design, lighting, and has modal changes. We can clearly feel the change in her posture from the "information ring" and unfold into a "story wall" and see the amazing expansion of the visual area of the façade.


Image of water: Connecting all things. Gentle feedback of the environment

联想对于天津未来中心有一个很有意思的定位:用智能科技搭建的 “桥梁”,这座桥梁将连接中国与世界、当下与未来、现实与想象、科技与艺术。而我们用了更有趣的视觉元素:水,在上海未来中心,她是时时拍打沙滩,让游客沉浸于数字海滨的浪花;在天津,她是“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复返”的飞瀑,在展示环节中,他甚至成为违反物理定律,向天冲涌的逆流。水也带来大河文明,从 “清明上河图” 里的市井到运河科技带给文明的繁盛,更重要的是:水是自然的赠礼也是清净能源未来里珍视的资源。

Lenovo has an interesting positioning for Tianjin Future Center: a "bridge" built with intelligent technology, which will connect China and the world, the present and the future, reality and imagination, technology and art. And we also interesting visual elements: water. In Shanghai Future Center, she is the waves of the digital seaside which always lapping on the beach, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in. In Tianjin, she is the waterfall where comes from the sky and rushes to the sea. She even becomes a countercurrent that violates the laws of physics and float back to the sky. Water also brings Great River Civilization, from the market in the "Qingming Riverside Map" to the prosperity of civilization brought by canal technology. And more importantly, water is a gift of nature and a precious resource in the future of clean energy.


To the time to life, rather than to life in time. Don't add more time to civilization. Better add more civilization to time.

开展典礼上联想王传东副总裁致辞时引用了小说《三体》中被读者传颂的一句话:“给时光以生命,给岁月以文明” ,对人类面对文明延续以及自身责任定位的自觉,给予精彩的描述。在天津未来展厅中,可以在应用展示中深刻接收到联想以 “智能” 核心延伸出的3S主题:智能物联网(Smart IoT)、智能基础设施(Smart Infrastructure)以及行业智能(Smart Vertical)。在这里也可以明显感受到西方与中国文化的差异:对于未来科技中国品牌不放大道德冲突与悲观末世论;天津未来中心也延续在流浪地球、三体中积极的奋斗精神,如何倾尽一切发明与知识,克服人类困境、重置环境平衡以及打造永续家园。

At the opening ceremony, Vice President Wang Chuandong of Lenovo quoted a sentence in the novel "The Three-Body Problem" that was praised by readers: "To the time to life, rather than to life in time. Don't add more time to civilization. Better add more civilization to time.", which gave a wonderful description of human beings' consciousness in the face of the continuation of civilization and their own responsibility positioning. In the Tianjin Future Center, Lenovo's 3S Strategy extended from the core of "Smarter Technology For All" can be deeply received in the attractions displayed: Smart IoT, Smart Infrastructure and Smart Vertical. The differences between Western and Chinese cultures can also be clearly felt here: for the future of technology, Chinese brands do not amplify moral conflicts and pessimistic eschatology. Tianjin Future Center also continues the active spirit of struggle in the movie "Wandering Earth" and the novel "Three-Body Problem". To devote all inventions and knowledge to overcome human challenges, reset environmental balance and build a sustainable home.


The intelligence drives energy and empowers advanced intelligence

在许多人还不了解人工智能前,AI就已经大量及高速地渗入我们的生活。天津未来中心里观众可以 “实体化“ 的遇见这个决定人类未来,拥有庞大算力,却难以捉摸的复合体;以视觉动态影像,让前来接触的 “人类” 感受高速运算的判断、数亿兆级别的资源比较与决策。可以说我们面对与对话的就是五千年人类文明智慧的沉重分量,但她却有好奇的像新生儿,并温柔的像艺术家,将触角深入到每一个我们的生活环节。因为天津未来中心是第一个与智能制造工厂一体化展示的场馆,所以我们也能与其对话,了解这个智慧的火种如何在各行业应用中精彩散发光热。甚至我们能在休息空间小憩,品尝一杯来自机械臂咖啡师的拉花艺术咖啡。

Before many people knew about artificial intelligence, AI had already infiltrated our lives in large quantities and at a high speed. In Tianjin Future Center, the audience can actually meet this elusive complex installation that determines the future of mankind and has huge computing power. With visual dynamic images, the "humans" who come to contact can feel the judgment of high-speed computing, the comparison of hundreds of trillions of resources and decision-making. It can be said that we face and dialogue with the heavy weight of the wisdom of thousands of years of human civilization. But she is curious like a newborn and gentle like an artist, penetrating her touch into every aspect of our lives. Because the Tianjin Future Center is the first showroom to be integrated with an intelligent manufacturing factory, we can also talk to them to understand how this smart fire can be used in various industries. We can even take a break in the lounge and enjoy a cup of latte from the barista of the robotic arm.


Sentiments and art expresss hope for the future


Within the first year, the first floor of the space will continue to exhibit the "Future to Future: Digital Civilization Art Exhibition", co-curated by Lenovo and UCCA, which consists of five chapters: Future Overture, Galloping Era, Digital Rebirth, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Meet the Future. I believe that it can shock your worldview, expand your imagination for the future, and capture information from the future world on the shoulders of the giant of human civilization.




部分信息来自 hofo空间设计 微信公众号内容

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