#一万种快闪店#欧莱雅美丽殿堂 MAISON L’ORÉAL PARIS
项目品牌: L’Oreal Paris 欧莱雅巴黎
项目行业: 护肤
项目日期: 2020-10-31 09:00 2020-11-11 22:00
项目地点: 上海 长宁来福士
项目名称: #一万种快闪店#欧莱雅美丽殿堂 MAISON L’ORÉAL PARIS
2020.10.31 - 2020.11.11
@ Raffles City Changning - Shanghai
在我们不能去巴黎的这一年,巴黎却来到了上海,欧莱雅美丽殿堂 MAISON L’ORÉAL PARIS 跨越万里于上海长宁来福士广场打造了一座星光熠熠的美礼专送站,将法式优雅与臻选美礼传递至中国。
In the year where we couldn’t go to Paris, Paris came to Shanghai with the Beauty Gift Delivery Station, a spectacular palatial townhouse direct from MAISON L’ORÉAL PARIS.
沉浸式 “美礼专送站” 快闪店通过充满故事性的互动环节,为前来参观的客人提供充满互动体验的国际化旅程。如“美丽奇幻电梯”、“奇遇号列车”等环节,让宾客通过角色扮演“美礼专送员”亲自完成美礼专送之旅,体会飞车穿梭于巴黎街道与时间赛跑派送特殊包裹的经历。
The immersive pop up sweeps guests through an interactive and international journey, in search of parcels to be delivered in time for 11.11. The role-playing guests find themselves on a fleeting journey through flying elevators, exploring train carriages, dashing down the avenues of Paris and across the streets of Shanghai in a race against time to deliver their special package.
长宁来福士的快闪店展览一直将开放到 11 月 11 日, 所以一定要抓紧时间自己来体验哦!
The exhibition at Raffles City Changning stays open until the November 11 so make sure to come and experience for yourself !