梅赛德斯-奔驰 新款SUV品牌之夜活动

项目品牌: Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-09-26 19:00 2019-09-26 22:00

项目地点: 台北 南港展览馆

项目名称: 梅赛德斯-奔驰 新款SUV品牌之夜活动




台北 南港展览馆


9 月 26 日,SMS GROUP 携手梅赛德斯-奔驰于中国台北南港展览馆举办了大型SUV 品牌之夜活动。本次品牌之夜活动主打“劲全力”主题,总计近1000 位嘉宾亲临现场。

Sep 26, SMS GROUP worked with Mercedes-Benz to create the SUV Night with the theme of ‘All kinds of strength’, attracting nearly 1000 invited guests to attend at the Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei.

为了尽显“劲全力”这个主题,当设计此次活动的创意时,SMS GROUP 想到通过沉浸式的场景展示来突出每款全新SUV车型的不同特色,这场景可以是狂野的、青春的、睿智的。

To demonstrate the theme of ‘All kinds of strength’, SMS GROUP highlighted different characteristics of each of the wide spectrum of SUVs in an immersive display, in scenes such as ‘wild’, ‘youthful’ and ‘wise’, when designing the creative concept of this event.


As a prelude to the unveiling show, guests watched a short live-action show that saw two family picnicking on the the main stage next to a V-Class. Taking all sorts of picnic equipment from the vehicle, the scene demonstrated the car’s spaciousness and capability for outdoor trips.

随着发车仪式即将拉开序幕,V-Class 被转移到后台,会场大厅幕布上的萤火虫飞向舞台中间,聚集成倒计时的数字。紧接着奔驰总裁高明汉先生出场并致欢迎词。随着一辆辆GLC, GLC Couple, GLS 陆续亮相,奔驰轿车与行销业务处副总裁何睿思先生向嘉宾们详尽介绍新款车型。

As the unveiling show began, the V-Class was driven off stage and fireflies surrounded the guests, slowly moving to the center of the stage, gathering to form numbers of a countdown. Then, Mr. Michael Grewe, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Taiwan, initiated the welcome speech. Mr. Markus Henne, Vice President-Sales & Marketing of Mercedes-Benz held the product presentation announcing the new GLC, the new GLC Coupe and the new GLS all in one go.

期间,全新GLS 登场之后,出乎所有人的意料,下车的是知名演员及出演热门金曲《浪流连》的 MV 男主角高捷。SMS GROUP 别出心裁地把 MV 桥段直接搬到发布会现场,由高捷通过沉稳地叙述人生将“劲全力”的精神娓娓道来。随后是独立乐队茄子蛋的精彩演出,后者亦是《浪流连》MV的演唱者。

Unexpectedly, well-known actor Jack Gao made an appearance from the new GLS. SMS GROUP recreated the scene of recent hit music video ‘Waves Wandering’, starring the actor, onto the live stage to highlight the spirit of ‘All kinds of strength’. Jack Gao recited a calm poetic piece of life wisdom which was followed by a performance of independent band EggPlantEgg, originators of before-mentioned music video.


Following the concert, to the surprise of all guests, the screen behind the stage rose up, revealing yet another space: the Mercedes Camp Experience Zone. This immersive experience featured a live scenery of an autumn forest for guests to explore. With falling leaves, maple trees, camping tents, a treehouse towering over the scenery and even the smell the dry straw in the air, guests were transported into another world they could experience with all senses. The experience zone had the entire SUV model range on display in a natural setting and also provided a wide range of interactive activities: guests were able to picnic, grab a drink and have BBQ or engage in various handicraft workshops.

SMS GROUP 很荣幸通过本场变幻多姿的沉浸式活动展现“劲全力”这个活动主题,为嘉宾创造了一种有影响力的沉浸式体验: 从前沿的360度投影到各种节奏紧凑又具多样性的表演,再到令人惊喜的森林露营场景,淋漓尽致地展现了其“临场力”实力。

SMS Group demonstrated ‘All kinds of strength’ in this highly immersive and ever-changing event. We created an impactful and immersive high-contrast experience for the audience: the cutting-edge 360-degree projections, the various well-paced and diverse performances and the all-surprising forest camp after-party scenery, all perfectly showcased the ‘Power of Live’.




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