
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 服装及鞋履

项目日期: 2023-07-07 10:00 2023-07-09 17:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 马吉拉2023秋冬男女混合系列




Maison Margiela携手LUXURY MAKERS于2023年7月7日-7月9日打造了一场沉浸式23FW CoEd Event & VIC Dinner体验活动,这是Maison Margiela今年在国内最为盛大的一场活动。

Maison Margiela and LUXURY MAKERS joined forces to create an immersive experience in China from July 7th to 9th, an event that garners the title for the grandest event Maison Margiela has put on this year.

2023秋冬男女混合系列奏响了反叛的鼓奏,以叠合衣物结构与幻想意象的「罗夏墨迹」手法延续了来自高定时装秀影片的哥特恋人故事。一系列反穿的衬衫呼应了时装屋「匆忙着装 Dressing in Haste」的造型理念,更为张扬的破碎拼贴效果和短打剪裁也将原初反叛故事的复古基调以更具未来感的视角呈现。

The FW23 CoEd collection, showcased at this event, continued the narrative of Gothic Lovers that was introduced in their high-end fashion show earlier this year. The collection utilized what the fashion house describes as the new “Rorschach” cutting - drawing from the term in psychology that looks at subjective patterns from the same image. Overlapping layers, shirts worn backwards and blunt tailoring echoed the house’s “Dressing in Haste” styling.

从系列的灵感出发,LUXURY MAKERS选择了杨浦滨江边一座见证历史变迁,保留了复古年代感的建筑,来诉说Maison Margiela的反叛故事。在整个场景打造中,LUXURY MAKERS利用了可持续和可回收的材料,贯穿品牌的环保主义,将不对称的设计体现在陈列中,强调以空间结构来呈现Maison Margiela的解构先锋灵魂,用不规则的不锈钢结构和布艺等,完美打破未来与复古的界限。

LUXURY MAKERS selected a building located by the Yang Pu River, which has stood witness to various historical changes over time, while still retaining its vintage charm. The brand's focus on sustainability was emphasized by intentionally using sustainable and recyclable materials in the building. The displays within the building combined stainless steel structures and cloth art to create a contrast between the past and future. This approach reflects Maison Margiela's avant-garde and deconstructed spirit while also highlighting the brand's distinct position within the fashion industry.




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