玛莎拉蒂 Levante TROFEO 台湾上市会

项目品牌: Maserati 玛莎拉蒂

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2018-11-07 09:00 2018-11-07 17:00

项目地点: 台湾 丽宝国际赛车场

项目名称: 玛莎拉蒂 Levante TROFEO 台湾上市会

Levante TROFEO 上市会


台湾  丽宝国际赛车场

Maserati Levante TROFEO, The Ultimate SSUV!Levante以风为名,宛如源自地中海的一股疾风,势不可挡,轻松应对各种路况。

Maserati Levante Trofeo, The Ultimate SSUV! As its namesake, the wind that blows across the Mediterranean, the Levante can change from benign calm to gale force in an instant. In its racing version, the new Levante Trofeo is capable of generating all the intensity of a raging storm.

11月7日, 玛莎拉蒂量产车最强输出与超强性能的 Levante TROFEO,在万众瞩目和期待中于台湾丽宝国际赛车场亮相,成为台湾史上首部发表于赛道的Super SUV,掀起台湾高性能豪华SUV市场的新高潮。

On November 7th, the Levante Trofeo, the Maserati production car unrivalled in terms of power, made its Taiwan debut to high expectations on the Lihpao Racing Circuit. It is the first Super SUV launched on track in Taiwan, creating a buzz in the Taiwan automotive market and with its media.

玛莎拉蒂在2016年推出首款高性能豪华休旅SUV Levante,承袭品牌百年DNA和赛道精神。终极版本Levante TROFEO于今年三月的纽约车展中首次亮相之后,此次发布会是Levante TROFEO首次于台湾正式上市。

As the first high-performance luxury SUV of Maserati, Levante was born in 2016, inheriting the century-old DNA of the brand as well as its racing spirit. Following its debut during the New York Auto Show in March, the event marked the first appearance of the ultimate edition - Levante Trofeo in the Taiwan market.

为与媒体朋友共同见证Levante TROFEO深藏不露的赛道实力,发布会特别邀请Ferrari、Maserati以及Alfa Romeo台湾官方教官-林德伟,现场展示Levante TROFEO的极致性能!活动全程由SMS GROUP策划,并与玛莎拉蒂台湾团队共同执行完成。

Inviting members of the media to witness the track power of the Levante Trofeo, Dewei Lin, the official Taiwan instructor of Ferrari, Maserati and Alfa Remeo was presenting the unmatched performance of the Levante Trofeo. SMS GROUP created the concept and saw the project through to its execution with Maserati Taiwan.


11月另一场品牌活动「2018 Maserati 赛道日」,由SMS GROUP全程策划执行, 于 22日至 23日登陆台湾首个 FIA G2 国际赛车场——大鹏湾国际赛车场,集结玛莎拉蒂 2019 年式全系车型,Ghibli、Quattroporte、GranTurismo、Levante及全新SUV Levante Trofeo,为现场来宾倾情呈现最强速度庆典,写下令人难忘的热血篇章。

In a second project with Maserati in November, SMS GROUP held the ‘2018 Maserati Brand Track Day’ at Taiwan’s first FIA G2 track, PenBay International Circuit, from November 22nd to 23rd. The entire model line-up of Maserati’s 2019 family - Ghibli, Quattroporte, GranTurismo, Levante, as well as the brand new SUV Levante Trofeo - was brought together to present a celebration of driving excellence and style for the on-site guests.


Under the professional guidance of on-site coaches and Maserati’s driving team from Italy, guests were able to experience the great features of its products as well as the unique motoring excellence of the Maserati brand.

SMS GROUP 很荣幸携手玛莎拉蒂为每一位来宾打造尊贵的活动体验,呈现品牌极致奢华的品质以及超凡卓越的性能。

Creating exceptional experiences, SMS GROUP is honored to have presented the ultimate in luxury, quality and performance with Maserati.




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