
项目品牌: Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2016-08-22 10:00 2016-08-22 22:00

项目地点: 北京 北京科技大学体育馆

项目名称: 全新梅赛德斯-奔驰长轴距E级车中国上市庆典

#全新梅赛德斯-奔驰长轴距E级车上市盛典# #智者,大成#





独一无二的“全方位个人定制化”互动体验,让嘉宾感受到与全新长轴距E级车“智” 趣相投的美妙生活方式。在“E路同行” 展区,九代E级车汇聚一堂,呈现过往每代E级车以智能科技引领行业变革的辉煌,展示E级车家族创新精神一脉相承的历史源流;在“巅峰造E”展区,高科技打造的技术展示及互动体验,将全新长轴距E级车集当代智能科技之大成的风采一一演绎;在“焕然E新”展区,嘉宾可凭借预设的个人信息,享受人工智能导览员、机器人调酒师、机器人摄影师等全自动化定制服务,一窥未来智能生活的迷人光景。

本次全新长轴距E级车先期上市推出三款首发臻享车型,分别为E 200 L、E 300 L时尚型和E 300 L豪华型,均提供轿车及运动轿车两种造型风格,厂商建议零售价分别为人民币43.68万元、47.48万元与49.98万元。相信凭借众多傲视同侪且专属中国的配置,以及极具诚意的价格,TA将为中国客户带来诸多“E”想不到的越级体验。

十年前,第一代国产E级车下线,开启了梅赛德斯-奔驰车型国产化的辉煌篇章。第三代全新长轴距E级车秉承‘中国制造,专属中国,为中国而设计’的理念,完美契合了中国客户日益增长的需求。” 北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司高级执行副总裁李宏鹏先生接着说到,“北京奔驰的现代化工厂作为梅赛德斯-奔驰全球主要的生产基地,一直以来,都以精益求精的态度和严谨苛求的工匠精神,将世界最顶尖的造车工艺发挥到极致;不仅严格遵循梅赛德斯-奔驰全球质量标准,更是在传承与创新之间,用最先进的生产设备,逐步突破并实现了中国高端汽车的工业智能化,让“中国制造”在世界高端制造业的舞台上绽放出耀眼的光芒。




A pioneer in the history of the automobile, Mercedes-Benz has kept its innovative spirit for over a century. Continuously striving to accomplish the never before, this spirit is reflected upon their broad range of quality products and all series models. The 10th generation of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase is a true masterpiece of technology. A model exclusively made for the Chinese market; it sets a new benchmark with its intelligent drive, enhanced systems for connectivity, safety and comfort as well as its trend setting interior design and efficient new engine technologies.


On August 22, 2016, the national launch event of the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase at the Beijing University of Science and Technology Gymnasium went above and beyond the expression of innovation. In an evening of artificial intelligence and a main show of stereoscopic 3D projections, 1,500 guests walked between the real and virtual world, where they witnessed the spectacular debut of the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase.


The experience began weeks before the event day. Starting from an invitation designed after China’s Qing Dynasty’s “Sea Cliff Jiang Wen”, all invitees received an invitation to register and input their information in an interactive digital platform. Thus, once attendees arrived on the event day, all they had to do was register with our robot receptionists and receive their own RFID wristbands. This made it possible for the event to customize itself to every person’s style and preferences, personalizing the consumer experience.


Our guests had a glimpse of the future; a world of artificial intelligence and open information with futuristic décor and the latest technological innovations. Every display and interactivity reflected upon key features of the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase:

E路同行 漫步璀璨历史

History of Innovations


A modern exhibition blending ancient Chinese wisdom with the history of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class. Guests walked through time, discovering how every generation of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class broke through convention and was involved with some of the greatest technological achievements of their time.

巅峰创E 创造就在当下

Creation of Enlightenment


Mercedes-Benz Concept IAA: The IAA concept car is a foretaste of the future. It combines world-beating aerodynamics with an irresistible design.


Innovation Corner: The Innovation Corner displayed the latest, cutting edge technologies that compliment the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase; focusing on connectivity, smart wearable technology, and an intelligent lifestyle.





Creative Car Display and Burmester Sound Experience: After scanning their RFID wristbands, the screen automatically changed the tone of the 3D model to the color selected during registration, granting guests the opportunity to see the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase in their color of choice. On the other hand, the Burmester sound experience delivered a 3D surround audio, customizing its songs with every person.


64 Ambient Light Installation: With 64 ambient light settings to choose from, guests had the chance to embark on a journey to experience the interiors of the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbasein a dark room setting.

焕然E新 未来无可阻挡

Eyes on the Future


Information Stream: An interactive and easy way to share information with guests. By scanning a QR code and touching the images that flow down the light stream, guests transferred these directly into their smartphones.


Robot Host, Bartender, Photographer and Interactive Bar: By quickly scanning their RFID wristbands, our robot host warmly greeted our guests. Our robotic bar on the other hand, prepared customized cocktails for our guests, while the interactive bar customized ambiences for an augmented interactive experience. We also had a robot photographer going around, intelligently dodging guests and obstacles while taking fast and fun pictures.


Once the countdown to the main show reached its end, our guests moved into the main show area. However, what they found was everything but a conventional stage room. Immersed in a 360-degree projection environment, the main stage was also out of the ordinary with its receptive movement technology and dimensions. The 3D effects presented rare production features and functions, astounding all viewers and making it a spectacle worth remembering. Impressive audiovisuals, performances, speeches by Mercedes-Benz China’s executive team and the grand reveal of the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase all expressed the efforts and technology put into the new model as well as the brand’s ever growing commitment to the Chinese market.

此外,来宾还有试驾第十代长轴距E级车的机会,亲身体验之前所有的所见所感,真正了解E级车的非凡驾驶感受。本次的全新梅赛德斯-奔驰长轴距E级车的发布活动是我们迄今为止最具挑战的项目之一,不过也真正体现出了梅赛德斯-奔驰所秉持的“心所向,持以恒” 的品牌主张。

The opportunity to finally test-drive the 10th generation Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase allowed for the translation of everything seen and felt to culminate into experiencing the actual product in action. The launch of the All-New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Long Wheelbase was one of our most challenging, exciting projects yet, and is a true representation of what Mercedes-Benz stands for, “the best or nothing”.


The national launch will be followed by four regional launches across China between the last week of August and second week of September.




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