Miu Miu 「女人的故事」上海首映
项目品牌: MIU MIU
项目行业: 服装及鞋履
2024-03-12 10:00
2024-03-12 22:00
项目地点: 上海
项目名称: Miu Miu 「女人的故事」上海首映
Miu Miu 「女人的故事」上海首映
2024年3月12日,Miu Miu于上海市永福路52号举办首映及晚餐派对,ACTIVATION EVENTS 精心筹备该活动,一同庆祝其备受赞誉的“女人的故事”短片系列最新作品上映,现场呈现由马来西亚导演陈翠梅(Tan Chui Mui )执导的Miu Miu“女人的故事”第二十七部短片《我是你美丽中的美丽,我是你恐怖中的恐怖》
52 Yongfu Road in Shanghai. ACTIVATION EVENTS meticulously organized the occasion to commemorate the launch of their acclaimed "Women's Tales" short film series. The Miu Miu Women's Tales No.27 《I AM THE BEAUTY OF YOUR BEAUTY, I AM THE FEAR OF YOUR FEAR》directed by esteemed Malaysian filmmaker Chui Mui Tan, was unveiled during the event.
Over a hundred important guests from the film, fashion and cultural fields attended the screening party. Filmmaker Chui Mui Tan and writer Mao Jian also held a special conversation about the short film after the premiere.
On the morning of March 13, filmmaker Chui Mui Tan had a conversation with starring Sdanny Lee and writer Dan Bao.
下午,戏剧制作人Jo Kukathas,艺术家费亦宁与资深艺术媒体人及策展人曹丹以“女神,女人和女性 - 重塑女性叙事”为主题,分别探讨当代中国电影中的女性叙事及其重要意义。此次对谈也于3月13日通过Miu Miu官方微信视频号进行直播。
In the afternoon, theater producer Jo Kukathas, artist Fei Yining and senior art media professional & curator Cao Dan discussed female narratives and their importance in contemporary Chinese films. The panel discussion was also livestreamed on Miu Miu's official WeChat video account on March 13th.
同日,Miu Miu于永福路52号全天放映“女人的故事”第一至二十七部全系列短片,超过300余名观众前往参加,其中包括150位来自上海当地学生一同观影。27位优秀女性导演执导的精彩短片一一呈现,将27个精巧美妙的女人故事娓娓道来。
On the same day, the Miu Miu Women's Tales No.1-27 was screened throughout the day. More than 300 audiences, including 150 local students from Shanghai, attended to enjoy the wonderful stories of 27 women.
About Miu Miu Women's Tales
Miu Miu“女人的故事”(Women’s Tales)是由Miu Miu委约现今最具辨识度的女性导演持续创作的独特系列短片,以女性特有的想象力构筑美丽而奇异的世界。
Miu Miu Women’s Tales is an ongoing series of unique, short films, commissioned by Miu Miu, and directed by today’s most distinctive female filmmakers. They invent beautiful, strange worlds inhabited by women’s idiosyncratic imaginations.
当下女性应展现何种面貌?Miu Miu邀请导演以批判性眼光审视21世纪的女性本质与浮华表象。此即意味着拥抱永恒的错综复杂与矛盾对立,启迪女性去思考和感受。纵观整个短片项目,Miu Miu系列已然自成角色,与知名演员及模特共同出镜。
How should a woman be today? Miu Miu has asked filmmakers to investigate femininity and vanity in the 21st century with a critical eye. This means embracing the timeless complexities and contradictions to make women think — and feel. Across the film series, Miu Miu collections have become a cast of characters in their own right, playing alongside noted actresses and models.
Miu Miu服装呼应叙事情境。权力,欲望。虚华,装饰。仪式,律法。幻梦,噩梦。即便是女性日常生活中最微渺的时刻亦饱含深意。Miu Miu“女人的故事”系列短片为这些时刻以及服装所扮演的丰富角色赋予故事感。
The Miu Miu clothes counterpoint the narrative drama. Power, desire. Vanity, embellishment. Rituals, laws. Dreams, nightmares. Even the smallest moment from a woman’s daily life contains multitudes. Women’s Tales storify these moments and the enriching role played by clothes.