上海 旗忠森林网球中心
Between July 12-14, NU SKIN LIVE, the grand annual meeting of personal care brand Nu Skin was held at the Qizhong Sports Arena in Shanghai with a total of nearly 26,000 guests attending this super event.
SMS GROUP把整个会场打造成一艘定制的“如新时空号”大型航班,让嘉宾们仿佛置身于独一无二的世界,把星空、宇宙等一一呈现给嘉宾们,他们可以穿越时空,回到1984年如新的创立初期,又开足马力,飞越平凡,见证荣耀舞台,对话榜样,倾听名人故事,与来自五湖四海的伙伴们共同亲历这场充满科技感的超级年会。
SMS GROUP transformed the large venue into the "NU SKIN SPACE", making guests experience a unique world. Following the theme “You Revolution”, guests travelled back to the year 1984, when Nu Skin was founded, witnessed a talk between role models, listened to celebrity stories and got linked up to Nu Skin partners from all corners of the globe, all in one seamless and gripping storytelling.
Here we dive into a review of some of the highlights trying to convey some of the energy-charged atmosphere.
(一) 沉浸式舞台设计
(1) Immersive Stage Setup
为了打造超震撼的舞台效果,SMS GROUP结合场地情况,使用90米直径的穹顶投影,实现超震撼的3D视觉效果, 提供独特360度环幕无死角视觉环境。
In order to create a highly impactful stage effect, SMS GROUP created a projection area within a 90-meter diameter dome in consideration of the venue to realize stunning 3D visual effects, providing a full 360-degree field of vision.
(二) 多样的演出形式
(2) Performances
这一届年会将走秀环节再次推向一个新高度。针对千禧一代的喜好,SMS GROUP深入挖掘用户的情感需求,提炼不同的演出表现形式,加深品牌与用户之间的情感共鸣。
This edition of the annual event pushed stage performances to a new level. Aiming at millennials, SMS GROUP dug into the preferences of this target audience, adding elements of hip-hop, pop and dance to deepen the emotional resonance between the brand and users.
SMS GROUP甚至量身创作了暖场环节的主题曲,活跃了现场气氛,让所有现场嘉宾随着肢体动作和舞蹈沉浸在欢快活泼的旋律中。
SMS GROUP even tailor-made the theme song that in the warm-up part heated up the atmosphere of all on-site guests, immersing them in a cheerful and lively melody with body movement and dance.
(三) 品牌故事化
(3) Brand Storytelling
有别于以往,本次年会围绕 “穿越时空,飞越平凡”这个活动主题,将各个活动环节以统一的基调串联成一个完整的故事,行云流水般衔接流畅,先后呼应,将品牌传播的内容展现得更具故事化和趣味性。
Unlike before, this annual meeting saw its content structured into a seamless storytelling by linking activities to each topic and integrating them into the theme of "YOU REVOLUTION", so as to deliver the brand messages in a more interesting way.
创始人演讲 Founder's Welcome Speech
事业分享 Experience Sharing
表彰大会 Commendation Ceremonies