OMEGA “繁花・星海”系列巡展

项目品牌: OMEGA 欧米茄

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2021-07-31 09:00 2021-07-31 21:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: OMEGA “繁花・星海”系列巡展


Bright stars in the sky converged into heavenly OMEGA Starlight Exhibition.

2021年05月15日,自 “繁花・星海” 欧米茄女士腕表展于成都银泰中心 in99 开启全国巡展的首站盛大揭幕,巡展陆续在郑州大卫城,上海新世界大丸百货,厦门万象城,南京德基广场举办。欧米茄中国区副总裁杨骅先生与品牌名人大使刘诗诗等重要嘉宾出席了巡展的揭幕仪式。展览汇聚了品牌经典卓越的时计臻品,不仅彰显了欧米茄对女士腕表在精准、美学和工艺方面的隽永追求,在性能上更体现出其对女士腕表的专业制表精神。

On May 15th, 2021, OMEGA Starlight Exhibition tour was inaugurated in Chengdu Yintai Center in99 as the first stop of its nationwide exhibition tour, which was already held in Zhengzhou David Plaza, Shanghai New World Daimaru Department Store, The Mixc in Xiamen and Nanjing Deji Plaza, one after another. Mr. Wilson Yang, the Vice President of OMEGA China, together with OMEGA Brand Ambassador Liu Shishi and other VIP guests attended the opening ceremonies. The exhibition brought together the brand's classic and outstanding timepieces, highlighting OMEGA's earnest pursuit of precision in aesthetics and craftsmanship, as well as brand high-level watchmaking performance.

展览以 “繁花・星海” 为主题,并采用欧米茄品牌经典的红色呈现出一片繁花似海的场景,每一个盛开绽放的花朵均由手工打造而成。其设计灵感源于欧米茄经典卓越的女士腕表,它们如同耀眼的繁星,汇成地上的花海。花海中的互动装置可以实时展示参观者的祝福与寄语。精致的腕表与唯美的花海相互辉映,让人在浪漫的氛围中尽情欣赏欧米茄非凡的时计臻品。

The theme of OMEGA Starlight Exhibition: as the signature color of the brand, OMEGA red forms an exuberant blossom surrounded by hand-crafted flowers. OMEGA's classic women's watches inspired the design: dazzling stars form a sea of flowers. In addition, an interactive installation displays visitors' wishes and messages in real-time. The sea of blooms creates a perfect romantic atmosphere to admire OMEGA's exceptional timepieces.


The Exhibition was opened by OMEGA Brand Ambassador Liu Shishi who shared with guests her wishes for the brand: "It is a great honor to be part of OMEGA’s journey and celebrate the opening of the OMEGA Starlight Exhibition. With a great heritage, OMEGA's women's watches reflect the brand’s pioneering spirit and a high level of watchmaking ability in design and performance. Each watch tells me a different story that touches my heart. Visiting this exhibition, people will have a chance to experience at best OMEGA ladies' watches."

Luxury Makers 团队很荣幸助力欧米茄 “繁花・星海” 主题巡展。“繁花・星海” 欧米茄女士腕表展还将于乌鲁木齐、大连、哈尔滨、西安、长沙等城市相继展开,更多精彩值得期待。

Luxury Makers team are honored to support OMEGA Starlight Exhibition. The upcoming ones of the OMEGA Starlight will be held in Urumqi, Dalian, Harbin, Xi'an, Changsha. Please stay tuned with these new ones on view.




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