项目品牌: PIAGET 伯爵

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2017-11-09 10:00 2017-11-10 22:00

项目地点: 上海



PIAGET伯爵 意大利阳光盛宴





PIAGET伯爵于11月9-10日在上海举办了高级珠宝及腕表活动,隆重推出Sunlight Journey高级珠宝、珠宝腕表及ART & EXCELLENCE系列。PIAGET伯爵全新系列以意大利阿玛菲海岸(Amalfi Coast)为灵感,展现了丰富的创意巧思。阿玛菲海岸是烈焰与火山之地,常年沐浴在日光中。当地的文化与艺术蓬勃发展,视生命为多姿多采、精致优雅的艺术品,与Piaget Society推崇备至的“生活艺术”宗旨相呼应。

Sunlight Journey is Piaget’s newest collection featuring high jewelry, jewelry watches, and art & excellence. It draws inspiration from the scenic beauty of the Amalfi Coast. A land of fire, volcanoes, and blue sea; a land rich in culture and art, echoing the ‘art of living’, the quality so greatly prized by the Piaget Society.

以“黎明奥秘”、“烈日当空下的盛宴”和“夜幕庆典”为主题的Sunlight Journey旷世珠宝杰作令在场所有的贵宾和媒体朋友们大饱眼福。

On 9th and 10th November, Sunlight Journey collection amazed all of Piaget’s guests and media friends who had the opportunity to admire the brilliant jewel creations featuring the themes of “Secrets of Dawn”, “Midday Festival” and “Nightfall Celebration”.

在优雅的藏酒轩场地, AUDITOIRE 旗下的 LUXURY MAKERS 团队通过布置精巧的装饰,融合创意的元素,完美地突显了PIAGET伯爵非凡珠宝独特闪耀的色彩。

At the elegant 55 by the Group location, LUXURY MAKERS (by AUDITOIRE) drew on the detailed decorations and the creative elements to exquisitely match the dazzling colors of Piaget exceptional jewels.


Meanwhile, at Shanghai’s historical Post Building ...

以PIAGET伯爵Sunlight Journey系列故事情节为灵感,AUDITOIRE 旗下的 LUXURY MAKERS 团队将太阳的绝美光辉、意大利小镇的热闹生活和PIAGET伯爵珠宝的辉煌杰作联合起来,再揉进具有东方魅力的上海,重现了从日出前到日落后的意大利阿玛菲海岸之旅。

Inspired by the story of this stunning collection, LUXURY MAKERS (by AUDITOIRE) unites the radiance of the sun, the happiness of the village life and the splendor of Piaget jewels, to recreate a one-day ever-lasting voyage to the Amalfi Coast.


Let the journey begin…


Amalfi. It’s June’s solstice known as the “Festival of Sun”. Just after dawn, when the sea and the sky appear to merge in misty shades of grey, beige, and rose, at the ‘piazza’ of the beautiful Italian village, the villagers get ready to commence the day and to celebrate together the first day of the summer.


The sun starts getting high in the sky, illuminating the village and creating splendid visual effects. More and more people crowding the streets. Everyone singing, dancing, cheering all around. A wave of warmth and sparkle suddenly absorbs us.

当热浪渐渐退去,我们尽情沉醉于充满惬意阳光的意大利小镇生活的时候,一股和平宁静的感觉弥漫着我们, 带我们进入迸发炫丽色彩、散发馥郁花香的花园。

The heat of the afternoon sun gradually diminishes. While wandering around, suddenly a great sense of peaceful tranquility reaches us and leads us into a garden of vibrant colors and fragrant scents, overlooking the sparkly sea.

斜阳将小镇染红,在我们共同享受这美味佳肴时, 一群着锦簇花团裙装、戴精美饰品的妙龄女郎闪耀登场。

And while enjoying and sharing the delicious gastronomies, our attention is taken by beautiful women crossing the street, shining in elegant dresses and ornaments.

夜幕虽降临, 但庆祝仍继续,小镇的夜空突然被绚烂的烟花点燃, 小镇居民们继续欢快地唱歌、跳舞、欢呼,彻夜不眠。

The night has fallen, but the blast continues. The gloomy sky suddenly ignites with a powerful firework display while the villagers continue to dance, sing and cheer all night long.


This infinitely sun-kissed day draws to a close, as the impression of having accomplished a long and beautiful journey already nurtures new dreams of treasures to come.


200多个国际和国内嘉宾与PIAGET 伯爵共享这场华丽的盛宴。当晚还有三位明星:杨幂、小S、蔡康永亲历活动现场。更有时尚博主GOGOBOI,在盛宴现场直播中为粉丝展示Sunlight Journey 的阳光造型 。

The Sunlight Journey experience was attended by more than 200 international and local guests including the delightful presence of the three famous celebrities, Yang Mi, Dee Hsu (Little S), Kevin Tsai, as well as the popular blogger GOGOBOI who broadcasted live this gorgeous event.

我们非常荣幸与PIAGET 伯爵携手创意性地开启了一场珠宝之旅并共享这场阳光盛宴。

We are delighted to have combined our energies with Piaget to create a journey of eternal light.


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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