保时捷Taycan 4S大连试驾
项目品牌: PORSCHE 保时捷
项目行业: 汽车及制造
2020-10-14 00:00
2020-10-24 23:00
项目地点: 大连
项目名称: 保时捷Taycan 4S大连试驾
保时捷Taycan 4S大连试驾

今年10月,全新保时捷Taycan 4S出现在了以标志性的星海湾大桥为背景的大连海滩和沿海公路上。八组受邀媒体和客户分别享受了为期两天的体验,包括美味的晚餐、史诗般的试驾和驶入海湾的航行。这一切都围绕着“Taycan绿洲”,保时捷坐落在大连海滩上的一个平静的休息地。客人们从中国各地飞来,进行Taycan 4S的驾驶初体验!
This October, the all-new Porsche Taycan 4S took over the stunning coastal roads and the beaches of Dalian, all set to the backdrop of the iconic Xinghai Bay Bridge. Eight groups of invited media and customers enjoyed a two-day experience featuring a series of stunning dinners, epic test drives and sailing out into the Xinghai Bay. All centered around the ‘Taycan Oasis’, we created a calming Porsche tented-retreat on the Dalian beach. Guests flew from all across China to get behind the wheel of a Taycan 4S for the very first time!
On arrival at the Grand Hyatt Dalian, guests had the opportunity to learn more about the first all-electric sportscar from Porsche with an interactive Taycan wall, bringing to life the highlights and storied heritage of the car.
Guests were then led to the Taycan Oasis for a cocktail reception before being invited into a hidden dining space situated right on the beach.
Inside, the dining space came alive for a Taycan Soulful Dinner with 360-degree wall and table projections, combined with live DJ and pipa performance that aroused guests' five senses across a five-course dinner crafted specifically for the event. Each course was accompanied by stunning scenes, scents and sounds from nature, telling the story of what Taycan is all about, from the depths of the ocean to the ripping crackle of thunder and lightning.
第二天,来宾们开着Taycan 4S进行了一次令人惊艳的集体试驾,共有20多辆汽车沿着蜿蜒的北海沿海公路前行,到达著名的棒槌岛,然后穿过星海湾大桥返回市区。
The next day, guests got behind the wheel of the Taycan 4S on a group test drive with over 20 cars weaving along the winding Beihai coastal road to the famous Bangchui Island, before heading back to the city across the Xinghai Bay Bridge.
After lunch, guests were taken out onto Xinghai Bay itself as many learned to sail for the first time in Porsche-branded sailing boats just as the sun began to set for the evening.
这是一个史诗般的结束,在10天的活动中,Jack Morton 团队做出了非凡的努力,让这一切都生动起来!
It was an epic end to a soulful coastal experience across 10 days, and an extraordinary effort from the Jack Morton team to bring it all to life!
原文链接为: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dZ-1JOxBPD5sL7Y8su3Q0g
部分信息来自 jackmorton 微信公众号内容