Polestar3 x GQ art “自然星生”可持续艺术展

项目品牌: Polestar

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2023-04-08 11:00 2023-04-10 19:00

项目地点: 上海 油罐艺术中心

项目名称: Polestar3 x GQ art “自然星生”可持续艺术展

Polestar3 x GQ art “自然星生”可持续艺术展


上海 油罐艺术中心

Just before the wild Shanghai Autoshow kicked off, Polestar dropped their fresh new SUV - the Polestar 3 - on the media and influencers. But, they didn't just do it in any old boring way. They went for a new approach, creating a totally unique and immersive art piece to showcase it at the Shanghai Tank.

We thought that sounded pretty cool, so we hit up Charliee Chuang, the Head of Commercial Marketing at Condé Nast China, to give us the lowdown on the event.

Charliee Chuang

Head of Commercial Marketing at Condé Nast China


Charliee, first can you tell us about GQ art? Its vision and its initiatives?

我们现在Condé Nast在推一个cultural maker的概念,就是说我们要作为一个文化的推手,而在这些文化里面,其实我们有不同的领域,都是我们的一些重点。过去可能更多的关注在时尚,但是现在其实还包括了电影、音乐、艺术以及运动的部分,所以你会看到GQ这些年有做GQ SPORT、GQ STYLE。那现在我们把GQ ART推出来,它其实是一个平台的概念,我们让更多的艺术家能够被看见。什么叫做被看见?其实我们过去做为媒体做的都是一个报道的角色,那我们现在做的其实更希望是一个connector的角色,即把这些艺术家推荐出来的同时,我们还希望他能够跟品牌去做一些连结,去做一些共创的事情。这个就是为什么我们做GQ ART,这是第一个我们在推文化的部分,艺术是一个非常重要的文化,尤其是当代艺术,然后我们也希望能够让这些艺术家跟品牌有更好的连接。

At Conde Nast, we're pushing the "cultural maker" concept to become an influencer in various areas like fashion, film, music, art, and sports. We've launched GQ SPORT and GQ STYLE and now we're promoting GQ ART to give artists a platform to be seen and connect with brands for collaboration. We're not just reporting anymore, but also acting as connectors to recommend artists and build better connections between them and brands.

What led you to collaborate with Polestar?

那也因为这样的关系,所以为什么这一次有个契机是跟Polestar去做结合,这是我们第一次GQ art跟品牌去做这样一个共创的形式。Polestar这个品牌其实我们也选了很久,因为Polestar它是一个非常讲究环保的一个品牌。我们为什么选择他?我觉得第一个是他们是非常在意内容,而且是讲故事。第二是他们的理念,做环保的、有序的,这个跟我们想要推的一些比较Modern的一些生活方式跟概念是非常结合,所以我们才会选择跟Polestar做一个合作。

We collaborated with Polestar, marking GQ Art's first co-creative project with a brand. Polestar's dedication to environmental protection made them a prime candidate for our consideration. They value storytelling and eco-friendliness which aligns with the modern lifestyle we want to promote. Hence why we chose to partner with them for this collaboration.

Jiayu Liu created breathtaking digital art display for the event. How would describe the collaboration with her?




三是她是90后最有代表性、最活跃的青年艺术家的代表之一,之前和GQ ART也有过很好的合作经验。


We chose Jiayu Liu for several reasons:

1. She consistently addresses environmental issues through various mediums, producing excellent work.

2. Her digital creations are cutting-edge, incorporating advanced technology like AIGC for modeling and rendering.

3. She's a representative and active artist of the post-90s generation, with whom we've had successful collaborations before.

During our cooperation, we found her to be open-minded and visionary, applying innovative artistic methods and techniques. Her training in Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art, along with her broad perspective, attention to detail, communication skills, and friendly demeanor, likely contribute to her approach.

What do you think of the experience created for the guests during the event?

关于最后一题,我们GQ有三元素,content+social+experience,即内容,社交, 体验。 我们希望提供给所有读者跟观众的不只是一场活动或是来看一个作品,我们希望带给大家的是一场内容创作上有故事且带有社交属性的沉浸式体验。


Regarding the last question, GQ focuses on three elements: content, social, and experience. It’s about more than just an event or artwork - we want to an immersive experience that combines storytelling, social interaction, and meaningful content creation.

So, when we initially discussed with Polestar, our focus was not on selecting an artist first, but on crafting the story. We worked together to develop the entire narrative, from beginning to end, determining what kind of story we wanted to tell and the concept we wanted to convey. As a media platform, GQ set the foundation for this story and discussed it with the brand. Only then did we proceed to choose the artist who could best express this story. The artist's role is not limited to creating art; as seen with Jiayu Liu, it's important that they are able to excel at effectively communicating the story. As a result, when people come to see the event, they are actually coming to experience a story, rather than just viewing a single artwork. That's what we want to bring to everyone.

Auditoire is a proud experiential marketing partner of Polestar since 2019!




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