Robert Wun 「Home Coming」时装秀

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 服装及鞋履

项目日期: 2024-09-03 10:00 2024-09-03 22:00

项目地点: 香港

项目名称: Robert Wun 「Home Coming」时装秀

Robert Wun 「Home Coming」时装秀



9月3日,CENTRESTAGE ELITES (香港国际时尚汇展)开幕时装表演邀得首位跻身巴黎高级订制时装周的香港时装设计师 Robert Wun(云惟骏)举行主题为「Home Coming」的时装秀。

On September 3rd, the CENTRESTAGE ELITES opening show, featured renowned fashion designer Robert Wun, the first Hong Kong-born designer to have made waves at Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week, presenting a themed fashion show titled 「Home Coming」.

这不单是Robert Wun 首次回归香港的时装秀,亦是首个在香港故宫文化博物馆上演的时装表演,同时庆祝Robert Wun同名品牌成立十周年。ACTIVATION EVENTS 团队倾情助力,打造这场时尚及创意界的瞩目盛事。

The event not only marked his first fashion show in Hong Kong but was also the first fashion show held at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, making it a prominent event for the fashion and creative industries. ACTIVATION EVENTS team lent their full support to create this remarkable spectacle in the fashion and creative sectors. It also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the eponymous Robert Wun brand, marking a landmark moment in the designer’s glittering career.

艺人惠英红、名模琦琦及日美混血歌手桥爪米卡等,精心演绎21套Robert Wun别具匠心设计的服饰。

Celebrities, industry icons and fashion aficionados added a sprinkle of stardust to the show。Renowned actress Kara Wai, supermodel Qi Qi and Japanese-American singer Mika Hashizume were among those elegantly showcasing 21 exquisitely crafted outfits by Robert Wun。


Some of the designs inspired by Hong Kong's diverse arts and culture and the essence of femininity. The outfits were artfully displayed on a China red themed stage decorated with sandalwood incense sticks. The show witnessed the brand's decade-long journey of growth and innovation.






部分信息来自 ACTIVATION 微信公众号内容

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