2019【上海车展】 爱驰

项目品牌: 爱驰汽车 AIWAYS

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-04-15 09:00 2019-04-25 17:00

项目地点: 上海 上海国家会展中心

项目名称: 2019【上海车展】 爱驰




上海 国家会展中心





Lasting for 10 days, the Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition ( “Auto Shanghai 2019”) concluded on April 25th at the National Convention and Exhibition Center Shanghai. As one of the largest and most influential international A-level auto shows in the world, the Auto Shanghai 2019 had the theme of “Creating a Better Life” and attracted more than 1,000 exhibitors from 20 countries.

秉承爱驰汽车其“让出行生活更加美好”的品牌理念, SMS GROUP为其精心打造了一座量身定制的 [爱驰星球]。近1,200平米爱驰汽车品牌展台,展台的运营维护全程由SMS GROUP承办。基于爱驰的用户伙伴理念,为公众日期间设计了多款互动体验项目,如通过扫描进入H5,开启探索新活先锋之旅,玩转情绪感应轮、爱驰大道等获得不同积分。通过不同的打卡模式,让用户在互动中了解爱驰品牌及其性能。SMS GROUP结合生活场景参与互动体验,让爱驰汽车的情感层面与智能层面与来宾进行最直接的传递。

Adhering to AIWAYS's brand philosophy of "Smart Travel Life", SMS GROUP brought to life and managed the customized 'AI-PLANET', a nearly 1,200 square meter brand experience. Based on the brand's “Customer = Partner” concept, SMS GROUP designed a number of interactive experiences for the public days, including an interactive journey through the booth via an H5 microsite. The audience could earn credits via interactions on various interactive stations, a themed wheel-of-fortune and on the AIWAYS avenue - the connecting central element of the booth, learning about the AIWAYS brand and its offers. SMS GROUP combined the life scene with an interactive experience to leverage the emotional and rational connections of AIWAYS with its guests.


An interactive journey through the booth via an H5 microsite

SMS GROUP公众日表演更是紧密结合主题 “不是我的展场,而是你的T台”,突破以往形式,让每位参观者成为主角,将展台变成他们的主场,借由多元形式的互动环节向每位到场嘉宾传递爱驰汽车智能出行方式的全新体验。

Breaking with the conventions of autoshows, SMS GROUP set "Not Our Show, But Your Runway" as the theme of AIWAYS’s Public Days. The audience were invited to take central stage and walk on the runway themselves. Various forms of interaction were presented to deliver a new experience of AIWAYS’s brand claim ‘Smart Travel Life’ to every onsite guest.

从产品发布会到媒体及公众日,从展台设计到活动运营,SMS GROUP以“临场力”为核心,保持初心,打造令人身临其境,带来丰富参与感及惊喜的浸入式品牌体验。

From the launch events on the media day to the public days, from the design of exhibition stands and events to the operations, SMS GROUP was showcasing its vision of "The Power of Live", empowering brands by creating immersive experiences that engaged and amazed.




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