She's Mercedes 臻享体验日深圳

项目品牌: Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2017-12-02 10:00 2017-12-02 22:00

项目地点: 深圳

项目名称: She's Mercedes 臻享体验日深圳

She's Mercedes 臻享体验日深圳

She's Mercedes Region South Experience Day



项目传播 - 微博


She’s Mercedes首次登陆深圳,这座追逐与实现梦想的城市。2017年12月2日,AUDITOIRE团队再次与梅赛德斯-奔驰联手,向深圳优秀女性传递She’s Mercedes平台的精神与魅力,号召并吸引她们加入这个专属于女性的逐梦平台。

On 2nd December, we teamed up again with Mercedes-Benz to bring the exclusive She’s Mercedes dream-driven women platform to the region south for the first time.

She’s Mercedes 臻享体验日,不仅致力于推广这个专属女性的平台,更希望在这个平台上集合更多的优秀女性。此次,She’s Mercedes为南方女性也打造了一系列的专属互动和体验,让其全方位地体验到She’s Mercedes的品牌和服务。在完美空间中,遇见知己,更看见自己。

“She’s Mercedes Experience Day” event is dedicated to southern women and aims not only to introduce She’s Mercedes platform and services but also to recreate the perfect space for women to find themselves and exchange experiences through social gathering and a series of special interactive activities.

宝石蓝色SLC 敞篷跑车的梦幻咖啡馆、钻石白色SL敞篷跑车的肖像绘画互动、曜岩黑色S级轿跑车的时尚定制空间为近千位到场嘉宾带来不同以往的别致体验。

The creative pop-up station featured three corners displaying the Brilliant Blue SLC, the Designo Diamond White Bright SL, and the Obsidian Black S Coupe, which colors and styles perfectly matched with the elegant decorations and engaging installations.

▲▲ 现场嘉宾挑选自己喜欢的定制配饰-She’s Mercedes 特别款Choker | Guests on site can make their own stylish She's Mercedes chokers

▲▲ 现场创作并赠送个性素描画像,真我之美跃然纸上 |A talented artist makes instant sketched portraits of the guest as a beautiful souvenir to take away

▲▲ 专业造型团队介绍秋冬彩妆流行趋势,为嘉宾打造定制妆容 | Professional make-up artists introduce new makeup trends and tips for the guests to do their own pretty make-up

She’s Mercedes会员亲自试驾了梅赛德斯-奔驰全系梦想座驾。

She’s Mercedes members also got a chance to experience the dream and passion of driving the three incredible Mercedes-Benz dream cars.

在She's Mercedes 卓越对话上,著名演员韩雪、国际造型大师 Andy Koh, 与善于寻找真我的女性们,一同获取新的灵感与启发。

Celebrities and loyal members of She’s Mercedes also joined the day and shared with the audience their thoughts and visions of women in today’s society.


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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