
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 传媒及媒体

项目日期: 2023-07-07 09:00 2023-07-07 17:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: 【行业动态】腾骐龙晋升为汉威士中国区总裁

腾骐龙 (Romain Devisme) 晋升为汉威士活动中国区总裁,带领汉威士活动团队,持续发挥杰出的活动创新力、团队领导力和行业洞察力打造非凡意义。

Romain Devisme is promoted to President of Havas Events China. He will be leading Havas Events with outstanding event innovation, team leadership and industry insight, to create meaningful difference to brands, business and people.

腾骐龙 (Romain Devisme) - 汉威士活动中国区总裁

Romain Devisme - President of Havas Events China

腾骐龙于2011 年加入汉威士中国,十余年不忘初心、前行不辍,是汉威士培养、锻炼并脚踏实地成长起来的全方位人才。接手并领导汉威士体育娱乐团队多年后,他进一步组建了汉威士活动团队,取得了可观的业绩,并为汉威士活动在中国市场树立了宝贵声誉。

Romain joined Havas China in 2011. For more than ten years, he has never forgotten his original intention and kept moving forward as a home-grown all-round talent, starting his career and growing up on the ground at Havas. After over a decade of leading the Havas Sports & Entertainment team, he established Havas Events team, and continued to expand the business scale year after year, achieving revenue growth. These activities have enabled him to build a valuable reputation for Havas Events in China.


Especially during the pandemic, Romain and his team have been sparing no efforts to expand their business presence in the luxury lifestyle, fashion and automotive arenas, and win new client trust from international top brands. With breakthrough creative ideas, strong innovative thinking and meticulous execution quality, his team has become well-known in the market and raised the whole industry competitiveness.

汉威士集团大中华区董事长兼首席执行官伍雷表示:“能够见证Romain在汉威士大家庭中一路通关升级,从壮志满满的新人一路发展跃升为出类拔萃的业务领军者,我感到由衷欣喜。十载时光,他与汉威士相互见证了彼此在中国这一充满活力与潜能市场的显著成长。作为汉威士一手培养起来的中坚力量,Romain 将汲取汉威士‘在一起’文化精髓,运用其积淀丰富的中国市场经验,带领国际化团队持续勇攀高峰,助力汉威士中国的可持续发展和活动行业的蒸蒸日上。”

Karl Wu, Chairman and CEO of Havas Group Greater China, said: "Witnessing Romain's growth and success all the way in our Havas family, from a novice full of ambitions to an excellent business leader, I am truly delighted. For over a decade, he and Havas have seen each other's remarkable growth and boom in China, a market full of vitality and potential. As the backbone of Havas, Romain will draw on Havas' Together' culture, leverage his rich experience in China market and lead his international team to continuously support Havas China's sustainable development and the prosperity of the event industry."




部分信息来自 汉威士 微信公众号内容

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