新旅程始于 TapTap

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 互联网

项目日期: 2021-07-28 09:00 2021-07-28 18:30

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 新旅程始于 TapTap

TapTap 开发者沙龙起源自 2019 年,每年一届,以游戏开发者为主要参与者。一般会在 China Joy 期间举行,因为在这个时候,全国游戏行业工作者都会聚集到上海。TapTap 开发者沙龙的出发点是 “和游戏开发者们聚在一起,对游戏创作过程进行纯粹的交流和分享”。除此之外,沙龙还承担着另一个目的,TapTap 的管理层会向开发者们汇报过去一年的工作成果,并介绍未来一年的重点发展方向。
TapTap Developer Workshop has become an annual event since its establishment in 2019: Games developers are the main participants of the TapTap event which is usually held during the China Joy Conference. The TapTap Developer Workshop was born from the idea of getting together with game developers to deliver insights on gaming industry trends and experiences.  The platform also serves the purpose to report the results of the past year's work and introduce the key directions for the upcoming year.

今年的开发者沙龙 TDW21 于 2021 年 7 月 28 日 09:00~18:30 在上海市浦东新区正大广场 9 楼正式开始,参与人数达到 581 人。
This year TapTap Developer Workshop (TDW21), took place on July 28, 2021, at Super Brand Mall, Pudong district, Shanghai, with 580 attendants.


D=Developers, diversity

W=Workshop, ward

今年的开发者沙龙 TDW21 于 2021 年 7 月 28 日 09:00~18:30 在上海市浦东新区正大广场 9 楼正式开始,参与人数达到 581 人。
This year TapTap Developer Workshop (TDW21), took place on July 28, 2021, at Super Brand Mall, Pudong district, Shanghai, with 580 attendants.

整场沙龙中,包括心动 CEO 黄一孟在内的公司高层与会听取了开发者们对 TapTap 的意见和建议。TDW 的要点在于交流,各地游戏开发者们聚在一起,借助沙龙这个平台,纯粹地交流和分享。本届 2021 TDW 活动设计上的亮点之一就是有巨大的 LED 屏幕作为舞台背景。整个会场被分为两个部分,参与着的座位区和会场后半部分的一个环状吧台,一些咖啡座和会议桌穿插其中。这是让参会者自由交流用的。
Top executives, including the CEO of XD, Huang Yimeng, attended the presentations and discussions with developers. The main goal of TDW is to be a space where game developers, from all over the world, get together and use this platform to share and learn.

心动 CEO 黄一孟先生第一个上台分享

Mr. Huang Yimeng, CEO of XD, was the first to share on stage

江宏,黄一孟,戴云 (从左至右)

From left to right, Jiang Hong, Huang Yimeng, Dai Yun



Sophie Germain, French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher, had a mantra: “It doesn't matter who first arrives at an idea, what is significant is how far that idea can go.” AUDITOIRE team believes that all outstanding achievements start from an initial idea that creates value continuously.

Tap 从字面的意思是一次轻触,敲击,而每一次敲击就是一次触发。我们将今年的 TapTap 开发者沙龙从品牌形象与价值提升着手,让更多的游戏开发者在这个平台上得到更多关注,平台同时也可以吸引更多的业界优秀灵魂人物来反哺平台的价值,以达到双向赋能的目的。

Tap means to strike lightly, and every tap is a trigger. We will start this year's TapTap Developer Workshop for brand image and value enhancement, to build up a dynamic work environment that gives developers every opportunity to thrive, the platform can also attract more talents.

奥德旺团队精准把控 TapTap 开发者沙龙,从开发者的「乐园」 平等 分享 相互启发 轻松 包容 独特等平台特点出发,很荣幸从 2021 年 TapTap 开发者沙龙的视觉体系的完善、内容层面的丰富、专业力和权威力的展示等方面升级平台形象与体验感。成功地将 2021 TapTap 开发者沙龙打造成为大家带来快乐的载体,旨在为开发者提供最优的平台,为游戏爱好者推荐最优质的游戏。

AUDITOIRE team designed and successfully upgraded TapTap in order to provide Developers the best quality games.


全文来自 微信公众号

原文链接: 新旅程始于TapTap (qq.com)

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