Nicolas Bordas《思维绝杀》独家签售会

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 娱乐及文化

项目日期: 2016-05-14 09:00 2016-05-14 17:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: Nicolas Bordas《思维绝杀》独家签售会

“思维传播指南”导师Nicolas Bordas来中国了!

《思维绝杀》(The Killer Idea)中文版面世




Nicolas Bordas, Vice-President of TBWA\Europe is bringing his guide to communicating killer ideas to China. Originally published in French and then in English, The Killer Idea is best known for its ? 10 commandments ?, or the ingredients of successful ideas.

Nicolas Bordas——TBWA\欧洲副总裁,将他的“killer ideas”(绝杀思维)带来了中国。该书最先出版的是法文,随后被译成英文出版,其中最著名的是“十戒律”和“成功思维的要素”。

For years, Nicolas Bordas has studied the way ideas work: how to best promote them and ensure their success. In his practical guide, he examines ideas both little and big while pointing out the keys to their success or their failure. Through examples of politics, business and culture, he shares the secrets to examining ideas and communicating them efficiently.

Nicolas Bordas研究思维的运作方式多年:如何最好的宣传创意并确保它们能够成功的运作。在他的实 践操作指南中,无论是小想法还是大创意,他都会分析和指出它们成功或失败的关键所在。通过这些政 治、商业和文化各个方面的案例,了解检测思维和沟通思维时更高效的秘诀。


Inspiring clients, media partners and agency staff alike, the launch on May 12 at the TBWA \Shanghai Office invited remarkable individuals from various industries and fields to an exclusive book launch and signing in the presence of Nicolas Bordas himself.

为答谢广大的客户、媒体伙伴及业内同行朋友们,TBWA上海办公室邀请了各行各业的精英们共同出席了这次Nicolas Bordas的新书——《思维绝杀》独家签售会。

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欢迎在Twitter、Linkedin和微信公众号(达思广议)上关注Nicolas Bordas获取更多最新讯息!




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