Tom Ford Beauty 上海发布会

项目品牌: TOM FORD

项目行业: 彩妆

项目日期: 2016-01-19 17:00 2016-01-19 22:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: Tom Ford Beauty 上海发布会

Tom Ford Beauty正式登陆上海!


北京 金鱼胡同华尔道夫四合院



Auditoire continues its collaboration with some of the most luxurious brands in the market. Last summer, Tom Ford launched its official line of beauty products “Tom Ford Beauty” in China.

Auditoire持续保持着与一些世界知名奢侈品牌的合作。去年夏天,Tom Ford在中国正式发布其美妆产品系列——“Tom Ford Beauty”。

The launch took place in the Hutong Villas of the Waldorf Astoria in Beijing, delighting guests and media partners with a chic press conference and party.

发布会独具匠心地选在了北京金鱼胡同的华尔道夫四合院举行,精心设置的发布环节与派对让到场的嘉宾们充分领略了品牌的风采,大家与Tom Ford一同度过了美好的时光。

This January 19, Tom Ford launched “Tom Ford Beauty” in Shanghai, symbolizing the continuous success and expansion of the brand as well as its positioning in the Chinese market. We leave you with a few of the their best moments!

1月19日,“Tom Ford Beauty”正式登陆上海,标志着Tom Ford在成功进驻中国市场后的又一里程碑。下面,就让我们一同领略这次发布会的精彩瞬间!




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