
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 体育竞技

项目日期: 2018-09-09 10:00 2018-09-09 21:00

项目地点: 武汉

项目名称: 安德玛2018“威5不凡”史蒂芬·库里亚洲行武汉站





On 9 September 2018, MVP Stephen Curry visited China again with his third NBA Championship Trophy and embarked a two-day journey of Under Armour’s 2018 “In5inceable” Stephen Curry Asia Tour—Wuhan.

当天在UA武汉天地品牌店里,库里和粉丝进行了热烈的互动分享。体操奥运冠军杨威的儿子杨阳洋也作为小粉丝来到了现场。Curry 5 亚洲行特别配色也在活动中同步亮相。

In UA Wuhan Tiandi Store, Curry 5 Asia Tour Special Edition made its debut. Curry and fans interacted with each other enthusiastically. As a fan of Curry, Yangyang Yang, son of Gymnastics Olympic champion Wei Yang, attended the event.

武汉行在消费者见面会的活动现场达到了高潮。近2000名球迷观众见证库里迎来职业生涯中最为不可思议的一次挑战—和机器人“Racer 7”对战三分投篮, NBA三分王者用实力证明了自己的“威5不凡”。

At Wugang Sports Centre, more than 2000 fans witnessed the most inconceivable challenge—the three-pointer battle with “Racer 7” the robot. The NBA three-pointer king proved himself to be “in5inceable” with his performance.

UA 3v3挑战赛也在现场火爆开打,来自北上广的三支青少年球队用激烈的厮杀和胶着的战况点燃了所有观众的热情。而库里更和前国手、UA签约教练王仕鹏各自执教一队进行决赛;最终薪火阵营拔得头筹。库里亲自为他们送上了亚洲行特别配色Curry 5,以此鼓励潜力无限的下一代不忘初心,用坚定的信念实现自己的梦想。

The UA 3v3 Challenge triggered fierce competition among 3 youth teams. Curry and Shipeng Wang, the former player and coach of UA led a team respectively to the finals, in which the Xinhuo team won. Curry then awarded them the Special Curry 5 shoes to encourage the next generation of basketball players.


Curry held a basketball lesson to elementary school students on the second day of the tour.


Curry also took time to visit Wuhan renowned scenic spot like Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge and Yellow Crane Tower to experience various traditional customs like kiting, spinning top and calligraphy writing.

APAX 倾情呈现此次活动,也见证了库里的篮球精神和安德玛的品牌含蕴。期待着我们更亲密的合作,打造更丰富的文化交流。

APAX is pleased to be part of Under Armour’s Stephen Curry Asia Tour for another year!




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