项目行业: 汽车及制造
2020-11-20 09:00
2020-11-20 20:00
项目地点: 韩国
项目名称: “大众森林”大众汽车韩国媒体日
新冠肺炎疫情在2020年给人们带来了极大的压力。因此在今年,SMS GROUP帮助大众汽车集团为其年度媒体日创造了一种特别且非常合适的解决方案。城市中的露营地“Grand Walkerhill_Camping in the city”被重新设计为“大众森林”,以便来宾们有机会补充和呼吸新鲜空气,一起享受活动的同时也保持社交距离,摆脱大城市的喧嚣,回归大自然中。
COVID-19 put a massive strain on people in 2020. Hence, this year SMS GROUP helped Volkswagen Korea to create a special and highly suitable solution for their annual media day. The ‘Grand Walkerhill’, a camping site in the city was redesigned the as the ‘Volkswagen Forest’ so that guests would have a chance to replenish, breathe fresh air and enjoy an event while maintaining social distancing, escaping from the hustle of the big city and spending some time in the nature.
Entering the site walking through the forest, a camping style setting combined with Volkswagen’s New Brand Design creating a special kind of automotive event awaited the visitors. Guests were able to feel they were very close to the nature and in the middle of the forest.
Custom-made ‘Dreamcatcher’ gifts, customized food boxes and BBQ reinforced the camping feeling for the guests.
Amongst presentations from Volkswagen recapping the year and outlining strategies for next year a special highlight and no doubt the most exciting moment was the market preview of the born confident T-ROC and the all-new Jetta.
媒体之夜的最后邀请到了韩国著名的 DAVICHI 进行现场演唱,所有来宾在大自然中度过了愉快的时光,同时也更接近大众品牌。
The final chapter of the media night was the live concert of the popular pop-duo DAVICHI. All guests had a great time in the middle of the nature while getting closer to the Volkswagen brand.
SMS GROUP以“大众森林”的概念策划并执行了2020年大众媒体日,以帮助品牌与媒体建立更紧密的关系,并向韩国市场展示大众汽车的新品牌设计以及两款即将上市的汽车。
SMS GROUP planned and executed the 2020 Volkswagen Media Day with the concept ‘Volkswagen Forest’, helping the brand to build a closer relationship with the media and present the New Brand Design of Volkswagen along with 2 upcoming car models to the Korean market.