
项目品牌: VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2024-07-20 09:00 2024-09-08 18:00

项目地点: 广州 沙面汇丰银行旧址

项目名称: 梵克雅宝「动静有形,艺述百年」高级珠宝艺术展



广州 沙面汇丰银行旧址

2024年7月20日起至9月8日, Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝于中国广州沙面汇丰银行旧址举办“动静有形,艺述百年”梵克雅宝高级珠宝艺术展。

From July 20th to September 8th, 2024, “The Art of Movement: Van Cleef & Arpels, Living Moments, Eternal Forms” exhibition opens at the former site of Shamian HSBC Bank, Guangzhou, China.


Featuring more than 100 creations from its patrimony collection and numerous documents, this selection illustrates the Maison’s constant quest to impart movement into precious materials. The exhibition is divided into four themes: Human Odyssey, Nature Alive, Elegance and Abstract Movement, leading visitors to an engrossing art journey.

一束以缎面饰带挽成的花冠清雅飘逸,缀于展览入口,欢迎每一位观者沉浸其中。该花冠造型灵感源于Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝设计的经典Silhouette Flower胸针(此次展品之一),崭新的姿态绽放别样的魅力,引领观者踏上世家高级珠宝艺术的律动之旅。

Welcoming visitors at the entrance, a floating matte ribbon takes the shape of an ethereal flower, which unfolds to guide visitors on their journey throughout the exhibition.

This design is inspired by the classic Silhouette Flower brooch designed by Van Cleef & Arpels (one of the exhibits this time), which blossoms with a different charm in a brand-new form.

岁月印记 Human Odyssey

法国珠宝腕表世家梵克雅宝,自1906年在巴黎诞生至今,坚守以匠心独具的珠宝杰作,陪伴并跟随勇者踏上探索世界的征途。 Since its foundation in 1906, Van Cleef & Arpels has used its creations to accompany that bold human odyssey of wanderlust。

灵动自然 Nature Alive


Whether figurative or stylized, the Maison’s flora and fauna-inspired creations bear witness to its taste for living nature.

邂逅优雅 Elegance

早在1906年立足巴黎芳登广场之初,Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝已从高级定制时装的世界汲取创作灵感,这些珠宝的特点之一便是可以灵活转变,以搭配不同的造型。

Ever since its foundation in Paris’ Place Vendôme, Van Cleef & Arpelshas drawn inspiration from the world of couture, and one of the features is that they can be flexible transformed to match different looks.

抽象意境 Abstract Movements

Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝极其关注20世纪的艺术风潮,并以独创工艺对各式各样的造型和材质进行诗意诠释,为抽象艺术国度增添万千姿态。

Attentive to artistic movements throughout the 20th century, the Maison interpreted them in an original way, playing with shapes and materials.


The exhibition is located at the former site of HSBC Bank in Shamian, Guangzhou, which is not only an important part of the Shamian architectural complex, but also a national first-grade key cultural relics protection unit. The Baroque-style tower base, the magnificent architectural outline, and the Roman-style giant columns, every detail reveals the historical precipitation and exquisite artistry.







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