项目品牌: VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝
项目行业: 珠宝钟表
2022-02-14 10:00
2022-02-28 22:00
项目地点: 上海、杭州
项目名称: 梵克雅宝限时店(上海、杭州)
上海 恒隆广场、杭州 万象城
法国高级珠宝腕表世家Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝于 2022 年 2 月 14 日始在上海恒隆广场和杭州万象城同步揭幕“Poetry of Time时间的诗篇”限时体验空间。Luxury Makers助力梵克雅宝呈现世家的精湛工艺,并给情人节带来更多诗意氛围。
On February 14th, 2022, Van Cleef & Arpels, the French luxury jewelry Maison, simultaneously unveiled its Poetry of Time pop-up spaces in Shanghai Plaza 66 and Hangzhou Mixc Mall. Luxury Makers supported Van Cleef & Arpels in bringing an exclusive poetic experience to visitors during the season of love.
梵克雅宝始终憧憬于诗意世界,将钟表带入一个由独特的梦想与情感交织的维度,赋予精湛的制表工艺与众不同的独到创意与诗意情感。在 “Poetry of Time时间的诗篇” 这一制表哲学的指导下,梵克雅宝携手Luxury Makers打造诗意空间,于浪漫情人月呈现给中国消费者。
Following the Maison’s global concept of Poetry of Time, Luxury Makers brought a poetic sensory space to Chinese consumers. Ever faithful to a poetic view of life, Van Cleef & Arpels instills a distinctive dimension into the art of watchmaking: that of dreams and emotions, and of inventiveness and fantasy.
迷人的自然和浪漫的爱情是世家一直以来珍视的灵感源泉,这次Luxury Makers把这两个主题中的两个标志性元素——祥云图案和巴黎情人桥梦幻呈现于限时体验空间的多个角落。
For Van Cleef & Arpels, the elements of “Love” and “Nature” have played major roles in its collections. Keeping that in mind, Luxury Makers highlighted the signature patterns of Paris Bridge and Auspicious Cloud in multiple places.
The journey does not end here. At the entrance of the exhibition space, visitors can find collections of postcards to send to loved ones. The Poetry of Time lives on.
据悉,此次“Poetry of Time时间的诗篇”限时体验空间将在上海恒隆广场持续展出至2月27日,在杭州万象城持续展出至2月28日。Luxury Makers非常荣幸能够助力梵克雅宝将其诗意空间呈现给中国消费者。
Poetry of Time runs through February 27th at Plaza 66 in Shanghai, and February 28th at Mixc Mall in Hangzhou. Luxury Makers is thrilled to have worked with Van Cleef & Arpels on the China edition of the event.
原文链接为: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kzwxbPjBYCaE438fwashzw
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