大众汽车全新途观本事登场 by SMS


项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2021-04-16 10:00 2021-04-18 17:00

项目地点: 台北 美丽华百乐园

项目名称: 大众汽车全新途观本事登场 by SMS

大众汽车 The new Tiguan 上市发布会于4月16日在台北美丽华百乐园前硬派登场,SMS GROUP 以 “本事难掩” 的整体概念策划并执行包括前期的抢先预赏会、上市发布会及外展路演,将 The new Tiguan 充满自信且自身难掩的超强本事,展现在消费者面前。

The new Tiguan was officially debuted in Taiwan on April 16. SMS GROUP planned and implemented the preview, launch, and roadshow event. The new Tiguan showed its confident and unconcealed super capability toward the public.

集结了全车系及前所未见的 The Tiguan R 以性能休旅王者之姿首度登台亮相,本次发布会是大众汽车首度在街头聚会,以集装箱的力量硬派形象,传达了本事难掩的光芒及风采!

The launch event assembled the entire car series with the king of performance SUV - The Tiguan R, which was first time debuted. The first time on street launch event was in order to close to the public. We utilized the containers to deliver the hardcore spirit of The new Tiguan.

外展路演延续发布会的硬派风格,在北中南三地同时发声,让全台各地消费者亲临感受 The new Tiguan 的王者气势。

The roadshow continued the hardcore style of the launch event and showed in the north, central and south of Taiwan, making consumers to experience the superb capability of The new Tiguan.




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