【每周观察】美国的活动公司TOP 100 里都有什么公司


项目行业: 体验营销/营销

项目日期: 2023-10-07 09:00 2023-10-07 17:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: 【每周观察】美国的活动公司TOP 100 里都有什么公司

《Event Marketer》杂志第一期于 2002 年出版。在这个页面(https://www.eventmarketer.com/magazines/),可以查看自 2008 年以来的所有期刊,并阅读大部分内容。如今,每季度出版一次,提供行业的数字报道,包括最新的活动新闻,包括案例研究、活动营销领导者的问答、每天在 eventmarketer.com 上发布的见解和提示功能。

2023年9月底,《Event Marketer》公布了新的年度 TOP 100 IT LIST

2023 TOP 100 IT LIST 来自《Event Marketer》杂志的编辑,介绍了服务于体验行业的顶级活动机构的年度特别报告。

今天,就基于 2023 TOP 100 IT LIST 给现场俱乐部的朋友们分享下





Key growth areas include the automotive EV segment, as well as an increasing presence in the technology, energy and service sectors. At the BayHaven Food & Wine Festival Homecoming Gala, a gathering of Black chefs from around the U.S., produced a glamorous experience for Sysco that included corsages and boutonnieres made of fresh herbs for all attendees, personalized aprons, two immersive photo booths and a post-event soiree for chefs and sponsors.

主要增长领域包括汽车电动汽车领域,以及技术、能源和服务领域的不断增长。在 BayHaven 美食美酒节返校节晚宴上,来自美国各地的黑人厨师齐聚一堂,为 Sysco 打造了一场迷人的体验,其中包括为所有与会者提供由新鲜香草制成的胸花和胸花、个性化围裙、两个沉浸式照相亭和一个后置摄像头。厨师和赞助商的活动晚会。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)



“Ideas that inspire action” is the rallying cry at X-FCTR, which differentiates itself with, among offerings, a bespoke, scaled retail activation model. An example: For Target’s holiday campaign, delivered simple, joyful experiences focused on F&B, tech, toys, beauty, décor and sampling in a scalable format that reached 582 stores. Shoppers drank hot chocolate with their choice of toppings, personalized ornaments, made holiday photo cards, helped decorate a gingerbread house and discovered the latest holiday beauty tips. Very merry.

“激发行动的想法”是 X-FCTR 的战斗口号,该公司凭借定制的、规模化的零售激活模式在产品中脱颖而出。举个例子:塔吉特 (Target) 的假日活动以可扩展的形式为 582 家商店提供了专注于餐饮、科技、玩具、美容、装饰和样品的简单、快乐的体验。购物者喝着热巧克力和他们选择的配料、个性化装饰品、制作节日照片卡、帮助装饰姜饼屋并发现最新的节日美容秘诀。非常快乐。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)



Combining delightfully cheesy ’80s TV vibes and Latin flair for a budget-friendly sales meeting dubbed “Miami Zeiss” (for its longtime optics technology client Zeiss) is a good introduction to Trademark’s psyche. Leveraged nearly 30 years’ worth of relationship-building with venues around the globe to launch SiteSelect, a venue selection service that gives clients “access to premier locations they may otherwise miss.” And its deep roots in filmmaking net top-tier storytelling and content production. For Webflow Conf, created a demo area and community showcase.

一场名为“迈阿密蔡司”(针对其长期光学技术客户蔡司)的预算友好型销售会议将令人愉快的 80 年代电视氛围和拉丁风情结合在一起,很好地介绍了 Trademark 的精神。利用近 30 年与全球场馆建立的关系,推出了 SiteSelect,这是一项场馆选择服务,让客户“能够访问他们可能会错过的优质地点”。其在电影制作网络顶级故事讲述和内容制作方面有着深厚的根基。为 Webflow Conf 创建了演示区和社区展示区。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)





What began in 2008 as strictly outdoor advertising and rebranded in 2020 as a one-stop shop for experiential, is now reaping the rewards in industry recognition and client wins. Investment in p.r. is also paying off in media coverage, like the 30-plus pieces in top-tier pubs for its immersive “Quantum Leap” drive-through experience and, on a more serious note, Day of Unity campaign in support of Ukraine, which garnered 757 million impressions. More than 300 sunflowers were placed on display in NYC.

该公司于 2008 年开始严格户外广告,并于 2020 年重新命名为一站式体验店,目前正在获得行业认可和客户赢得的回报。公关投资媒体报道也得到了回报,例如在顶级酒吧展示的 30 多件作品,展示其身临其境的“量子飞跃”驾车穿过体验,更重要的是,支持乌克兰的团结日活动获得了 757 名观众的支持万次印象。超过 300 朵向日葵在纽约展出。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)


This global experiential partner is everywhere—b-to-b events, proprietary events, press unveils, consumer pop-ups, activations and, up next, sports. Has the chops to design and produce state-of-the-art global programs that deliver measurable impact. Core capabilities include strategy, creative, fabrication, management and measurement. An in-house digital team ensures interactive tech is incorporated into all engagements. At Art Basel Miami, created a basketball court for Michelob ULTRA. (Acquired by Freeman in August.)

这个全球体验式合作伙伴无处不在——企业对企业活动、专有活动、新闻发布会、消费者快闪店、活动以及接下来的体育活动。有能力设计和制作最先进的全球项目,产生可衡量的影响。核心能力包括战略、创意、制造、管理和衡量。内部数字团队确保交互式技术融入所有活动中。在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展上,为 Michelob ULTRA 创建了一个篮球场。(八月被FREEMAN收购。)(谷歌翻译,不做润色)


In a year of growth, Jack Morton increased its business by 30 percent overall, added more than 50 new clients, appointed new global co-presidents and opened a new location in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Launched Vivi, a diversity-driven practice to focus on creating experiences for women of color; Jack 39, a dedicated sponsorship consulting practice for brands; and Brand Acts Incubator to sell proactive, purpose-driven ideas. Developed the Cadillac ELECTRIQ Theater, a 360-degree immersive, multimedia experience for marquee sponsorship events.

在这一年的增长中,Jack Morton 的业务总体增长了 30%,增加了 50 多个新客户,任命了新的全球联席总裁,并在沙特阿拉伯利雅得开设了新办事处。推出 Vivi,这是一项多元化驱动的实践,专注于为有色人种女性创造体验;Jack 39,一家专门为品牌提供赞助咨询的公司;和 Brand Acts 孵化器,销售积极主动、目标驱动的创意。开发了凯迪拉克 ELECTRIQ Theater,为大型赞助活动提供 360 度沉浸式多媒体体验。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)


Created the agency news of the year with the announcement it was buying global agency Sparks—a deal that will literally advance Freeman’s growth in experiential by years. With an eye on the corporate market, the duo complements Freeman’s longstanding expertise in events and exhibits. The move follows Freeman’s acquisition of Impact Point Group earlier this year, which bolsters its event advisory services and strengthens recent investments in creative talent and content development and production. Stay tuned.

宣布收购全球代理公司 Sparks,创造了年度代理新闻——这笔交易将真正推动弗里曼在经验方面的增长。两人着眼于企业市场,补充了弗里曼在活动和展览方面的长期专业知识。在此之前,Freeman 今年早些时候收购了 Impact Point Group,此举增强了其活动咨询服务,并加强了近期对创意人才以及内容开发和制作的投资。敬请关注。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)


New managing directors in New York and Detroit and creative and strategy team hires mean continued innovation and outstanding service as this global powerhouse builds efficiencies and strives to be nimble. Client diversification is expected to drive revenue growth through 2023, while the agency itself is driving behavior change—12,000 people signed up and minted an NFT at its FIFA World Cup activation for Visa, proving the brand is much more than a credit card. Crafted a multi-touchpoint campaign to build excitement for the Ford F-150 Lightning.

纽约和底特律的新董事总经理以及创意和战略团队的聘用意味着持续的创新和卓越的服务,因为这家全球巨头正在提高效率并努力保持灵活性。客户多元化预计将推动 2023 年收入增长,而该机构本身正在推动行为改变——12,000 人在其 FIFA 世界杯激活活动中为 Visa 注册并铸造了 NFT,证明该品牌不仅仅是一张信用卡。精心策划了多接触点活动,激发人们对福特 F-150 Lightning 的兴趣。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)


With 80 industry awards just in 2022, new verticals and clients such as ADM, Supernal and Snowflake, to name a few, its scale and reach are virtually unmatchable. There’s that new office in the Middle East, its recent acquisition of German-based The Sane Company, a new Experience Technology practice for unified brand experiences, thought leadership focused on AI and strategy, and a founding partnership in Cal Poly State U’s Experience Lab. Yep, that’s big. For Call of Duty, crafted an experience that brought 200 livestreamers and content creators together.

仅 2022 年就获得了 80 个行业奖项,新的垂直行业和客户(例如 ADM、Supernal 和 Snowflake 等)的规模和覆盖范围几乎是无与伦比的。中东的新办事处、最近收购的德国 The Sane 公司、统一品牌体验的新体验技术实践、专注于人工智能和战略的思想领导力,以及加州理工州立大学体验实验室的创始合作伙伴关系。是的,那很大。为《使命召唤》打造了将 200 名直播主播和内容创作者聚集在一起的体验。(谷歌翻译,不做润色)


现场俱乐部将会在2023年底制作中国的活动代理商手册 EVENT AGENCY LIST,如EVENTMARKETER 的 TOP 100 IT LIST 一样


活动代理商手册 EVENT AGENCY LIST 希望有你


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