项目品牌: VOLVO 沃尔沃
项目行业: 汽车及制造
项目日期: 2023-12-31 09:00 2023-12-31 17:00
项目地点: 线上
沃尔沃可持续发展之旅 于 2023 年 6 月 11 日启动,旨在推出新款 EX30 汽车,这是一款小型 100% 电动 SUV,在意大利多个城市展出。
免费赛事为环法赛组织了九站: 都灵、马尔米堡、罗马、里乔内、博洛尼亚、维罗纳、切尔维亚、里米尼和巴里 。每一站的每一个细节都经过精心策划:设置、侦察地点、后勤、员工招聘和培训。
意大利许多美丽的城市成为了六月和七月 路演 的主角;在这几个月里,这些城市建立了一个容纳汽车的结构,让游客能够享受一些互动体验,这是沃尔沃世界不可或缺的一部分。
经过如此多的努力,我们得到了甜蜜的回报:由于与 Conserve Italia 的合作,展位上提供了果汁,为所有参观者提供了新鲜的时刻。
从半岛北部到南部,来自各个城市的访客都受到了女服务员和乘务员的欢迎,以提高人们对沃尔沃最新产品的认识,并介绍最感兴趣的人,以获得有关 100% 电动 SUV 的更多信息。
首席执行官 Andrea Camporesi 的话。
Volvo Sustainability Tour was inaugurated on 11 June 2023 with the aim of launching the new EX30 car, a small 100% electric SUV exhibited in various cities of Italy.
Free Event has organized nine stops for the Tour: Turin, Forte dei Marmi, Rome, Riccione, Bologna, Verona, Cervia, Rimini and Bari . Every stop was curated in every detail: the set-up, the scouting location, logistics, staff’s recruitment and training.
Many beautiful Italian cities has been the protagonist of the Road Show in the months of June and July; during these months in these cities was set up a structure that hosted the car and allowed visitors to enjoy some interactive experiences, an integral part of the Volvo’s world.
In fact there was the “
Sustainability Cycling Area
” inside the stand, made up of Technogym exercise bikes. People were invited by a professional trainer to cycle to «generate» clean energy; in the meantime , the monitors showed them in real time the quantity of WATT that they produced in order to recharge the SUV .
And after so much effort, there were a sweet reward: thanks to the partnership with Conserve Italia, fruit juices were available in the stand to provide a moment of freshness to all visitors.
From North to South of the peninsula, visitors from all cities were welcomed by hostesses and stewards to raise awareness of the latest Volvo products and to profile the most interested people to receive more information on the 100% electric SUV.
The EX30 Electric Tour has represented a further tool to support the launch of the new car as, through the intervention of mobility experts who interacted with visitors, people have learned the information and awareness-raising process regarding the use of electric vehicles in Italian market.
“An event that confirmed Volvo’s trust in our Team, a great incentive to do always the best and be close to the new generations, considering that Volvo is the leader in the automotive sector, in the evolution towards production with zero impact on the climate. A vision that in our small way we have embraced too as an agency and we are proud to be certified and recognized for this business philosophy in our events sector”.
The words of CEO Andrea Camporesi.