
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 体验营销/营销

项目日期: 2020-11-24 09:00 2020-11-24 17:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: 65分贝对于第三届中国国际进口博览会的报告




 B2B or not 2B? What 4M posts had to say about CIIE 2020 


 What can we learn from the online buzz about the biggest event in China this year? 65dB checked the conversation about CIIE on social media, more than 4M posts, to gather important learnings for next year! 

十分闪耀但备受争议的杜嘉班纳展馆、从法国空运而来重达88克拉的黑钻、险些被记者打翻价值“20万”的XO…… 相信不少人曾被猎奇的标题所吸引。但进博会远远不止这些。通过分析数百万网络报道和发帖,我们发现普通人也在积极参与进博会相关话题的讨论,并对国际品牌在改善生活方式、提高生活质量上的创新格外关注: 

Neither D&G and its recent issues in China, a 88 carat black diamond arriving from France, nor a reporter accidentally knocking over a bottle with XO cognac soaked up all the attention! In general, the conversation reflected positive attitudes towards the exhibition and a growing interest in the quality and improvements in lifestyle proposed by international brands, showing: 

  • 2020年进博会的网络参与度更高:从央视记者到网红博主,从微博到抖音,进博会通过网络直播吸引了大量的关注;不能到达现场的亿万普通观众可以在手机上“云逛进博”并购买全球好;
  • 2020 CIIE has been more than ever a source of interest for the general public; brands widely engaged through KOL live-streaming to deliver a “cloud” visit and shopping experience. 
  • 2020年进博会的“中国骄傲”更浓:相较于大幅上升的国内热度,进博会在海外网络和社媒上的讨论度有所下降;尽管国际旅行受到限制,许多跨国企业的代表依然克服障碍赶来参展,“宁愿隔离14天也要来”的表态收获中国网民的笑声和鼓励;众多品牌也在自己的展台加入了中国风和中国传统文化的元素; 
  • 2020 CIIE has strongly echoed with China Pride. Notable was the positive conversation generated around CEOs who experienced quarantine just to be there, and how brands integrated “Chinese style” into their activations whilst paying tribute to Chinese traditional culture in their new products. 
  • 2020年进博会更关注人类的未来:众多新产品和新概念在“四叶草”里进行了“全球首秀”,进博会已经成为汇聚国际最新创新成果的舞台;利用先进科技帮助解决社会问题和满足消费者期待,比如公共健康、可持续发展、个性化定制等等,也成为本届进博重要的声音。 
  • 2020 CIIE showed a strong push towards “world firsts” and the “future of the planet”, showcasing how technology and innovation addresses major concerns such as public health, sustainability, customization and wellbeing.

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