Freeman Strengthens China Business With Senior Hire

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 体验营销/营销

项目日期: 2020-11-02 09:00 2020-11-02 18:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: Freeman Strengthens China Business With Senior Hire

Continuing its pursuit of excellence in the Asia Pacific, Freeman, the world’s leading live event and integrated brand experience company, today announced the appointment of Sally Lu as Managing Director, Freeman China.

为推动亚太区业务再创佳绩,世界领先的现场活动和品牌综合体验公司Freeman今日宣布任命 Sally Lu 为中国区董事总经理。

With rich experience across both above-the-line (ATL) and below-the-line (BTL) agencies, Lu brings with her the insights, expertise and solutions that Freeman clients require to excel on an international level. Lu’s appointment aligns with Freeman’s client-centered approach while highlighting the company’s ability to attract top talent in the region.

Lu 在线上 (ATL) 和线下 (BTL) 机构均拥有丰富的从业经验,她将为 Freeman 客户带来自己的深刻见解、专业知识和解决方案,助力客户在国际市场崭露头角。此项任命不仅符合 Freeman 以客户为中心的理念,也凸显了公司吸引本地区顶尖人才的能力。

Lu will report to Debbie Evans, Managing Director, Asia Pacific,overseeing operations across Freeman’s three China offices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou.

Lu 将向亚太区董事总经理 Debbie Evans 报告,负责监管 Freeman 上海、北京和广州三大办事处的业务。

“Freeman has been an industry leader in the brand experience sector not just in China, but also on a regional and global level,” said Lu. “I am excited to be working with some of the most professional and talented people in our industry to drive Freeman and our clients forward in this new decade.”

Lu 表示:“Freeman 不仅是国内品牌体验行业的领导者,在地区和国际层面也同样出类拔萃。我本人非常期待能与业内极具才华的专业人士共事,在未来十年共同推动 Freeman 和客户发展。”

Before joining Freeman, Lu held the role of Managing Director, China, for another international brand experience agency, where she progressed up the ranks to become the Managing Director for its China business. Lu’s strategic outlook and sharp business acumen were instrumental in spearheading the company’s growth over the past few years, increasing efficiency, establishing partnerships with outstanding talent in the industry, and successfully repositioning the business from an exhibition company to a reputable brand experience agency in the market.

在加入 Freeman 前,Lu 曾任职于另一家国际品牌体验机构,后擢升至中国区董事总经理,全面负责中国区业务。过去几年里,她凭借独到的战略眼光和敏锐的商业头脑,在领导企业增长、促进效率提升、与行业杰出人才建立合作关系、成功推动该公司转型市场知名品牌体验机构的过程中发挥了关键作用。

Lu began her career as a financial analyst and eventually went on to work at both ATL and BTL agencies, building strong partnerships with brands from various industries, including technology, media, telecommunications, luxury automotive, pharmaceutical, as well as top-tier consumer brands.

Lu 原为金融分析师,后任职于多家线上和线下机构,与科技、媒体、电信、高端汽车、制药等行业的品牌和一线消费品牌建立了深厚的合作关系。

Lu is replacing Dionne Holder, who has been with Freeman China since 2016 and played a key role in building the company into a leading agency in the market today. Holder will be moving to a client service role within Freeman in North America.

Lu 的前任 Dionne Holder 自 2016 年起负责领导 Freeman 中国区,为推动 Freeman 成为业内领导者做出了重要贡献。Holder 将调至 Freeman 北美区子公司担任客户关系职务。

“It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to this country where I have been living for over 20 years. The team at Freeman China are some of the best people I have worked with, and I look forward to staying connected as I move into a new role,” said Holder. “Relocating to North America is a new chapter in my career, and I am thrilled for this opportunity to bring my experience from Asia into a different market to continue supporting Freeman’s global operations.”

Holder 表示:“我在中国工作了 20 多年,临别之际实在依依不舍。Freeman 中国团队与我的关系非常融洽;虽然即将调至 Freeman 家族企业的其它公司,我仍期待与他们保持联系。调任北美将成为我职业生涯中新的一页,对此我深感激动;我将发挥在亚洲积累的宝贵经验,在异国市场继续为 Freeman 的全球业务添砖加瓦。”

“I am excited to welcome Sally to the Freeman team. Her appointment reflects our commitment to our clients to create the best brand experiences for them to achieve their business goals. Her leadership and expertise will greatly strengthen our operations in the region,” said Evans. “I would also like to thank Dionne for her incredible work and contribution to the China business and wish her all the best as she begins a new chapter in the US.”

Evans 表示:“我对 Sally 加入 Freeman 团队表示热烈的欢迎。此项任命充分体现了 Freeman 对创造一流品牌体验、助力客户实现业务目标的承诺。Sally 的领导才能和专业知识将极大地增强本地区的业务实力。在此,我也要感谢 Dionne 多年来兢兢业业的工作以及她对中国区业务发展所做出的卓越贡献;祝她今后一帆风顺,在美国开启新的事业篇章。”




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